The Scariest of Days
By Ana-La-Rai • March 30, 2021
When my husband, Christian, and I booked 3 weeks off over this past Christmas I was really looking forward to exploring the new area we live in, seeing a few friends, good food, quiet moments and celebrating the season.
However, just before the Solstice, I started having pressure or heaviness in my chest. No pain, but it felt weird. This pressure would come and go at random times with no pattern. Then it got stronger and more frequent.
For the most part, I have not experienced much disease or physical challenges this lifetime. I have no fear of dying, that's just another adventure, BUT being ill or disabled or stuck in a hospital brought up all my fears.
A friend who is a paramedic stopped by and when I shared these physical symptoms she looked at me and said, "Yup, those are the classic signs of a heart attack."
Oh my goodness!
Thoughts of a heart attack had been floating around me as I experienced these symptoms, and here she was confirming my worst fears.
A heart attack? During Covid? Being alone in a hospital with no one to visit or support me? I feared I would die alone. I feared I would become disabled. What would happen if I couldn’t work anymore? What would happen if my husband were left alone with an incomplete immigration status? What if, what if, what if... And the fears continued to roll in, and over me.
I called on my Highest Self and all my Guides for help. I asked questions and each time they assured me, "No, you are NOT having a heart attack." They shared I was clearing deep, deep fears for myself and the collective consciousness of humanity.
In addition, The Alchemy Collective Consciousness told me that with the changing planetary frequencies it was time to remove all the energetic technology that had been gradually placed around my body over the past 7 years, and so this technology was dismantled. This change meant that I would no longer run their energies directly through my body to help hold the frequencies.
Furthermore, my consciousness was disconnected from the Collective Consciousness of Humanity and re-connected to the consciousness of Mother Gaia through the Unity Grid.
For the next 3 weeks I experienced more fear than I had in many years combined.
Every day I stopped and worked with the energy, my Guides and my body to clear and released fear. I broke all agreements to clear these fears for the human collective. I had enough of my own clearing to do!
I also checked in with other healers who all got the same thing… I was NOT having a heart attack. So, I made a pact with my Guides that if I were in physical danger they would tell Christian to take me to the hospital.
As I cleared, I had an aha moment: I had to make a choice.
Do I have a heart attack? Do I follow Western medicine and go to the hospital? Do I buy into all of this? I asked myself, “What do I really believe? What do I really want? If everything is vibration and energy, can I not shift this?”
These were the hardest questions I have ever had to answer for myself. I felt like I stood with two paths in front of me and I had to choose.
A few days into the New Year, I had two days of no symptoms. Then, BOOM! My heart started pounding, my blood pressure sky-rocketed, and the pressure came back out of the blue.
I had had enough! I packed an overnight bag and Christian and I drove to the local Urgent Care hospital.
At the hospital I was taken right in. They checked my blood pressure, hooked me up to an ECG machine to read my heart, took six vials of blood, ran tests, and asked me many questions.
The results? My heart is great! I was in and out in less than two hours. Later, both my regular Doctor and my Naturopath confirmed that all was well.
With my mind reassured, my trust in my Guides has grown even stronger, which I did not think was possible. 95% of the symptoms have dissipated and if some little twinge happens in the chest I no longer go into fear; I send love to my body.
As I share this with you, please do not take my experience as the way to deal with your health issues. Instead, find your own path to wellness! I greatly respect the medical field, traditional medicines, and alternative health fields alike. I still tell clients to see a Doctor when needed. Using different options can ensure you have all your bases covered!
I am so grateful to be on the other side of this process! I am grateful for the support of friends and my hubby. I am grateful I had the time off work for this shifting.
I am deeply grateful I did not have a heart attack!
Wishing each of you great health and graceful releasing of your own fears!
April 2021
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