Offerings Overview

Here you find descriptions of the various services and programs offered

Private Sessions

Clearing & Clarity Sessions

Do you need more clarity on a situation in your life? Do you have something specific you need help shifting?

These "quick and clean" private half-hour sessions give you the personal attention you need to focus on you and your life.

This is the perfect option to clean up your energy field, dissolve past-life energies, gain clarity and guidance on your next step, and receive answers to your personal questions.

$250 USD

Book your Clearing & Clarity session

VIP Elevation Plan

Do you feel like you've plateaued on your spiritual journey?

You may be uncertain about the next steps to take that will create actual momentum towards manifesting your desired reality. But here's the exciting news - you don't have to navigate this path alone!


Are you ready for:

Deeper intuition for sound judgement and to "hear" your guidance so you know you are never alone?

Stronger alignment to your soul's true divine nature so you can have more impact where you are called to and find deeper meaning in your path?

Greater well-being and a sense of oneness that comes from a more profound connection to your highest self?

If you are ready to work with a Pure Source Channel who is attuned to your journey and supports the expansion necessary to propel you to new heights then the VIP Elevation Plan is for you!


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Move to your new Energetic Setpoint!

Transformation Journeys with Ana-La-Rai

These new personalized sessions are a result of Ana-La-Rai's own upgrades, clearings, activations, downloads and enhanced clarity. They are birthed from hundreds of sessions with clients as well as new guidance from her over-lighting teams (Her Guides).

The 7 and 12 session packages utilize the newest energies available and are designed to help you move faster into more of the authentic you!! Each package is customized for your optimal transformation.

Here are some transformations our clients have experienced:

  • Higher vibrations on a daily basis
  • Less triggered by people & events around you
  • More peaceful
  • Easier to manifest the life you want
  • An attitude of gratitude
  • Opening or further opening of your gifts & talents
  • More clarity

And much more!


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Start your Transformation! (7 sessions Journey) Start your Transformation! (12 sessions Journey)

Classes & Programs

Workshops: Moving Higher into Your Ascension

May Topic: Living from Grace

The Workshops are the BEST opportunity in one day or weekend to receive the highest and newest vibrations, activations and more. Various Guides come forth and often work with a theme.

Those of you who trust and sign up without knowing the content become part of the workshop creation energy (even if you can not attend it all live). The recordings are included and will be sent out after the session within 24 hours.

From previous One Day Workshops have come the recordings called Attracting Your Soul Mates, Your Angelic Middle Self, Dissolving your Karmic Cycles ForeverProsperity, Re-Birthing Your Divine PowerInformation & Support for What's Coming, RegenerationThe Essence of Purity, Self Love, Journeys to Yourself and Expansion of Consciousness.

You find the recordings here.

$175 USD

Register for upcoming workshops!

Advanced Opportunities - Guided Full Moon Meditations

March Topic: Upgrading Your 3D Technology

These energetic adventures are a client favourite! Each month various Enlightened Ones, Angelics, Ascended Masters and Collectives come through with new processes, downloads, information, energetics and journeys for your personal growth. The vibrations are very high during sessions.

Ana-La-Rai rarely knows in advance who will come forth as it is based on the planetary energetics, the group signed up and the potentials available. The recording is included and will be sent out after the session within 24 hours.

$55 USD

Register for upcoming Advanced Opportunities! Explore previous Advanced Opportunities!

The Essence of Purity

Purity is the original essence of who you truly are, it is the essence of your Highest Self.

It has been shared that this program is to facilitate a stronger connection with your Highest Self and a faster remembering of who you truly are.

Join Ana-La-Rai for 5 or 15 days with Non, from the Family of El as we layer daily your Essence of Purity into your field.

The infusions will run for about 10 min, with a longer infusion on day 15.

This program will be done live on GoToWebinar. The recording of each infusion will only be available for 24 hours!

These infusions must be layered... as they would be too much to take in all at once.

As a result, the Guides have indicated that they want a daily infusion and they want participants committed to this daily receiving (whether live or through recording).

Each infusion will be approximately 12 hours to integrate. The live sessions will be held at 7:30am Pacific time to allow most world time zones to join live if they wish.

15 Days Schedule:

September 3 - 5

September 8 - 10

September 15 - 19

September 22 - 25

5 Days Schedule:

September 3 - 5

September 8 - 9

As a Bonus, the Container for your Essence of Purity is included in your registration!

$222 / 575 USD

Register for upcoming classes!

Amplified Mastery Program

Currently in progress.

This program is by invitation only.

Purpose and details are in the invitation.

New group available in July 2025!

Recorded Major Programs

Creating Your Divine Stability Platform

Embracing Energetic Fitness

Are you feeling…




(fill in the blank)?

If you’re caught on a roller coaster of highs and lows during this time of energetic chaos, I have designed this quick and easy 5-day program for you!!

Become more energetically stable so you can:

- Feel more peaceful and in control of your life.

- Have the presence and energy to navigate your life with grace  and  ease.

- Apply a new level of understanding and tools in your everyday so you can feel the freedom of having choice in your own experiences.


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Lord Shiva's Advanced Chakra Activations Series

In this groundbreaking program Lord Shiva guides you through 12 powerful sessions, where he activates a long forgotten part in your chakra system.

The original blueprint of the chakras, the way they are working on the higher dimensional planes, the way they are supposed to work in the human form, is finally available to all of humanity. This had not been possible since the beginning of this incarnation cycle.

In the past, the chakras were never at their full capacity and had to be constantly opened, cleansed, and tuned (e.g. prana work, reiki; colors; sound, toning bowl, sound meditations; crystals; yoga poses; symbols etc.) in order to work properly. With the advanced chakras all of that is not necessary anymore!

This program was only possible due to the higher frequencies and the flow of the diamond light onto the planet since early 2019.

In other words: An opportunity for everyone to finally take a big step forward (back) to their original and fully operational chakra system, without the limitations and distortions caused by the separation and duality in the 3rd dimension!


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The 33 Codes of Origin

Join Ana-La-Rai for 35 weeks of activations, infusions and new knowledge about the qualities, codes or virtues we carried at our time of origin.

Available as recordings only, to be done on your own time.

Request informational session

Purchase program

New Moon Creations

This class is overlighted by Lady Isis who has planned the topics for the monthly sessions to support your growth.

Sessions run approximately 90 minutes and are working sessions. In January we build our “Creation Chamber” (click here to build yours). Each month Lady Isis adds a new section to the original chamber for the specific energetics (balance, health, abundance, joy, etc).

The recordings can be used as often as you wish for your creations!

Download free recording Your Creation Chamber

Purchase recordings

Recordings Available in 2025

Advancement of Humanity

with Kari La (Earth's new consciousness)

Who is Kari La?

Kari La is the new consciousness of planet Earth. She was "born" on April 7th, 2022 (find out more here).

She will slowly replace Mother Gaia, the current consciousness of Earth, who will eventually ascend and move on to a different journey.

Kari La has been very present lately and has shared amazing wisdom and energies at various events, like workshops, Full Moon Guided Meditations, Alchemy Global Meditations and more. She shared with us that unlike Mother Gaia, she will hold Earth's consciousness in collective consciousness with other beings in unity (12 other beings of very high vibration), with Kari La holding the center point.

We are very excited and look forward to what Kari La will be facilitating with us!

Ready for personalized ascension energies? Join Kari La as she guides you on a NEW accelerated pathway to awakening!


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The Awakened Consciousness Codes with KariLa

Are you wanting to help anchor the new Earth codes for Awakened Consciousness? Are you wanting to be on the forefront of the new energies?

KariLa shared humanity needs to be able to start to access, utilize and understand these codes as we move into the higher frequencies and the new energies of New Earth for 2025 and beyond.

These new codes are being brought through to advance both individuals and the energetics for the collective of humanity. As our collective awakening accelerates, having these 6 codes will make it easier to stand in your own sovereignty and continue your personal process of awakening.  The codes will assist you with your connections to Self and Guides, your perceptions of life, prosperity, longevity and peace.

Accessing Your Divine Prosperity

The Return Journey

You are evolving!
And so is your path to prosperity.

Do you often wish prosperity came to you more easily?

As you connect more fully with all-that-you-are you allow the natural flow of abundance into your life. Through deeper states of alignment to your higher levels of self you are able to access your divine prosperity.

So are you finally ready to expand into greater prosperity?


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Lord Shiva's Advanced Chakra Activations Series Part 2: Bridging to Your 5D Chakras

If you have joined us previously with Lord Shiva for The Advanced Chakra Activations (whether live or not), you received an email with more information and a special invite from us for this new exciting program. If not, please let us know at

The program includes 12 one hour sessions.

More information coming soon!

Recorded Single Sessions

Find more recordings of previous classes and sessions in the Sparkles Shop!

Planetary Work

The Alchemy Collective Consciousness

"We are The Alchemy, a collective consciousness of Light Beings, Ascended Masters, Angelics, Galactics and more. We come from throughout the Cosmos at the time of transition for a planet and a people. We come to co-create with Mother Gaia, her people and all her kingdoms."

  • Free Global Meditations every Tuesday
  • Alchemy Gatherings
  • Heart Sanctuary Weekends

Find out more on the Alchemy's website.

Energetic Artwork

Sparkles of Art

Find out more!

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