Ana-La-Rai is a Pure Source Channel who has dedicated her life to guiding and uplifting others on their spiritual journeys. She is a beacon of light in the realm of energy work and spiritual transformation since 2015, and her commitment to growth allows her to align with her mission and guide others with integrity.
As a Universal Channel, her abilities magnify energies that invite others to rise to their highest potentials and provide clients with deep insights and guidance that align with their soul’s highest self, bridging the gap between the spiritual and physical. She skillfully taps into the purest streams of clear, direct Source energy and utilizes all clair senses to facilitate deep healing and growth for those who work with her.
With a profound connection to universal energies, Ana-La-Rai has channeled over 70 Beings of Light and Collectives, bringing forth the highest frequencies and processes essential for the evolution of individuals and the planet through over 4000 transformational sessions.
Ana-La-Rai is more than a spiritual guide; she is a catalyst for profound changes and a conduit for the purest frequencies of Love and Light. Her work through Sparkles of Love opens new energetic pathways to the next layers of being, elevating the collective consciousness and guiding individuals to align with their true soul essence.
Ana-La-Rai's formal training began in 2002 with her first human teacher, Amarial, and was overlighted by The Council of 12 Overlighting the Healing of the Lovebody & Waters of Earth, The Galactic Federation of Healers, The Angelic Hosts, Dr. Lorphan Head of the Galactic Healers, and Lenduce the Dolphin.
It was through this training that she graduated as the first Water Healer. From there she went on to take her Teacher training (Mumara), and then completed her Mumara's Mumara training in 2004.
Over the years she has completed workshops and private sessions with Panache Desai, Bryan de Flores and in
2015 she completed Intuitive Life Coaching with Christie Marie Sheldon, further fine-tuning her skills. In 2018 she completed Healing Mastery and the in-person Advanced Healing Mastery with Mas Sajady.
Since then, Ana-La-Rai has assisted thousands of individuals, and lead many group workshops across Canada, the USA, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Mexico, Costa Rica, and online.
Ana-La-Rai's planetary mission is to bring people together to prepare the way for united global transformation.
This has been her work with The Alchemy Collective Consciousness as their Channel and Voice since 2013.
Their focus in 2023 is to assist humanity in raising its own consciousness and vibration, both collectively and individually, in addition to their ongoing purpose to support Mother Gaia, the new Consciousness of Earth and The Great Awakening.
Learn more about The Alchemy’s events and free weekly global meditations:
Disclaimer: Ana-La-Rai is not a doctor, nor is she acting in the capacity of medical or psychological practitioner, nor financial, legal, business or other types of experts. You should seek appropriate professionals for any such advice. This website, including all services, products and content provided herein are considered informational, entertainment or point of view.
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