"Wow I did not fully understand the impact of the workshop till this morning. I woke feeling so different and it seems to defy description but still needs to be said. I feel lighter or I feel the field I am in differently. Everything feels more still, my meditation more expansive."
"This transformation journey was huge. I am stepping out of victimhood.
My vibration is higher and I am getting better at holding it in that higher place. For lack of a better word, my "presence power" has increased, which allows me to enjoy life more and I am more effective in all things I do."
"I'm delighted to share my transformative journey with AnaLaRai, especially for those considering their own Transformation Journeys. Over a series of multiple private sessions, I've experienced profound breakthroughs that have resonated deeply within me. I not only felt whole, but I also "heard" that I am complete. I've discovered a sense of home within my own body, free from self-judgment. Through AnaLaRai's guidance, I've been able to see my issues clearly and stop behaviors that no longer serve me. I've stepped out of a lifelong victim mode and released deep shame. Realizing that I am the creator of my own life's experiences, past, present, and future, has been a revelation that has touched every level of my being! I now view the story I'd been telling myself in a whole new light—it has suddenly become irrelevant. AnaLaRai's deep work, along with her amazing tools, has been a game-changer for me and for anyone ready to shed the old, embrace the new, and reach their highest vibration for self and collective well-being. This journey has been nothing short of amazing!
My deepest gratitude
"Transformation Journey is an accurate description of the journey that I went through with AnaLaRai and 'the guides'. She helped me heal an incredible amount of emotional trauma, which is allowing me to live a life I never thought possible. I have tried MANY other methods to address what I knew was holding me back (EFT, self-hypnosis, Reiki, counseling, and more) and NONE of them got to the core issues that AnaLaRai was able to access and address. This journey has indeed been transformational and I could not recommend more highly taking 'this trip' with her. I am forever grateful for the guidance and healing I received."
"There was a lot of deep diving in this program. Ana-La-Rai helped me pinpoint and heal the root of some of my long-held beliefs steeped in fear. Though the process was challenging at times, I’ve grown much from it and now have a deeper understanding of myself. She, with this program, has helped me feel empowered to take steps and move beyond my fears into a life my heart desires. I am grateful for her abilities, patience, and understanding."
"Thank you AnaLaRai!
As I have just completed a series of 12 Transformation Journeys I wanted to share some of my amazing results with you and for those considering working with you!
I am thrilled to say my connection to my Guides has blossomed into a wonderful friendship, and my intuition is expanding daily!
I am finally embracing my softer side, a side of myself I have hidden for many years. As I embrace my divine feminine, I find myself excited to wear dresses again, something I have not done in over 30 years!
I can actually say I am “content” with myself and that is something I will treasure forever.
I highly recommend this program to anyone that really wants to move through and do the work on themselves.
I am also happy to share I have signed up for another series of Transformation Journeys as I know this is an amazing program with unlimited possibilities."
"Wow, it was a transformative journey indeed. Each session was different in the way that before the session started the guides and Ana La Rai looked into my being to see what would be the most beneficial next thing for me to do... and so, it was a mixture of downloads, clearings, gifts and other energetic procedures. Also I was given specific homework for each day.
After this journey I am on a different level in many ways, also I feel more able to help my self, in other words a step closer towards my mastery.
Thank you Ana La Rai, thank you guides!"
"Having just finished my transformation journey’s I wanted to write and say thank you. These sessions brought forward such amazing awareness and releasing, and no doubt some of the most profound ah ha moments I have ever had. I was able to break down the huge wall I had built around my heart, clear the overwhelming fear of disappointing others which then triggered me to be disappointed in myself. I was able to openly share my spiritual thoughts with my husband which is in itself worth everything. The Clarity Bubbles we worked with really allowed me to see the different fears and triggers that I was ready to release and then with the homework assignments do just that. I had been hesitant to sign up for this program but now can say it was worth every penny and more.
Thank you
"I recently took journey, a transformational journey, but I didn’t actually go anywhere other than the short drive to Ana-La-Rai’s home on Vancouver Island, once a week for five weeks. But although I didn’t travel in the physical, I travelled immense distances into the past; the future; the stars; into my psyche; and to many other worlds and dimensions where I learnt to understand myself, my life experience, my purpose in this lifetime; and my relationships, with greater clarity and depth. As a result, I feel I have finally unfolded my full potential and found my true self.
Ana-La-Rai is a channel, a teacher, and guide who works with integrity and immense compassion and kindness. Her guides and your guides join forces and work miracles. Her healing energy transmissions are so powerful and so intense, they seem tangible. I am very fortunate to have met her and to work with her.
Yes, life is a journey, and we continue to progress and grow, so I know I am not finished yet. But for the rest of my life, I have an inner strength and confidence. My inner knowing tells me that all the answers I will ever need are inside myself and are accessible with ease. I have clarity and trust. These were the gifts of my transformational journey with Ana-La-Rai."
"This work is beyond description. I feel a huge shift in knowing who I really am. This is the second time I have done the 33 days and this time felt more impactful. It is not always easy to know what work to attribute the shifts to when doing lots of your programs together and now they are so seamlessly integrated who knows. I can say that just this morning I realized what a huge part the 33 codes of origin play in my life. I may not have been able to say that so clearly when we completed the program. I say this now as I know that much of this ‘work’ is so deep and often takes time and some integration before the true enormity of their benefits are felt. This is for me an exercise of trust. I now know I will always be surprised. I am sure I don’t recognize myself in how felt even a year ago.
Jump in, there is nothing to loose and limitless possibilities working in co-creation with Ana-La-Rai and the Family of El."
"I especially recommend Ana La Rai's assistance for those that are empaths and feel exhausted from and stuck in the emotional density of change and growth.
I was in a very bad energetic state at the time when I met The Alchemy Collective Consciousness. I started to listen to the weekly meditations every Tuesday and later attended the Gathering and this is how I got to know and started to work with Ana La Rai, the voice of The Alchemy, leader, energy healer.
A series of Love and Light sessions were an intensive, weekly energetic clearing, helping me to clear energetic blocks and bring unconscious patterns, believes to the surface, to my conscious mind. At the same time I worked regularly with The Alchemy - through the meditations, gatherings, programs like Full Moon, Vortex Group Healing - to bring high vibrational frequencies (Light) into my system.
The two sided work I do (bringing Light in and clearing old beliefs, mental concepts, emotions out) helps me by my intention of stabilizing my physical-emotional-mental-spiritual energies.
As a leader, healer and a loving, compassionate personality, Ana La Rai is an integral part of my own growth and I feel deeply grateful for this journey together.
Much love
"As we go through life we are always hopeful and sometimes even pray for something magical or miraculous to transpire in our lives. I was very fortunate to have such an experience while working with AnaLaRai.
AnaLaRai is one of those rarities that come along to bless your life with magic and miracles. I had the opportunity to work directly with her and it was magical. She vibrates at such a high frequency that easily facilitates very loving high dimensional beings, and the most benevolent energetics to come through. The wisdom, intelligence, overview and understanding from this higher perspective assist us in shifting faster and with remarkable grace and ease.
In my latest Love and Light session with AnaLaRai she shifted so much that was affecting me from past lives and filtering through to this life. I immediately after had great relief and I continue to heal at a rapid pace that's amazing. I am practically pain free now and the intestinal restrictions have been cleared. She is undoubtedly an Advanced Psychic Surgeon Extraordinaire.
The healing session took a most dramatic turn when Lord Lanto and the Blessed Mother Mary came in with some startling revelations and the next steps on my journey. The energies were so strong I was vibrating while having goosebumps. It was so profound I was moved to tears. Yes, real tears just pouring profusely as the revelations came forth. These insights compounded the magnitude of my journey in past lives and the tremendous responsibility I currently bear going forth with this new knowledge.
A guiding force in my life has been the age old saying : "When the student is ready the Teacher will appear". That current teacher for me is AnaLaRai along with all the energetics she brings forth. On occasions these Guides line up to be given the opportunity to come forth to share and bless or guide us. I have been blessed with so many additional tools and processes that they gifted us through her.
If you have not been a part of one of her sessions or workshops you MUST do so soon! You will definitely be a changed individual with the possibility of fast tracking your Ascension process. I would recommend for starters trying one of her monthly Full Moon Workshops. After which I guarantee you will be singing praises and forever be in gratitude for answering the call. I always look forward to those with joyous anticipation as they are so full of surprises and 'gifts'. Anyone who had worked or is working with AnaLaRai can attest to this.
AnaLaRai is the Real Deal!! No exception!! Her high frequency, her clarity, her generosity, her joyous demeanor, her love, compassion and her advanced psychic abilities have made her my go-to, one-stop Healer and Guide. I have been blessed and very fortunate to have been guided and led to her. She has a variety of ways to work with her to experience her true mastery. If you have been led to her it means that you were meant to be.
Thank you AnaLaRai for all you have done, are doing and continue to do for all on their Ascension journey.
Much Love, Light and Blessings to you.
Colin B. Thierens"
"I went for a healing to Ana-La-Rai as I was struggling to cope with the new energies we were bombarded with before Christmas 2019. I was dizzy and had chest pains. I was troubled. What a mess.
In one session, Ana-La-Rai's immense healing energy; her inspired channelled messages; and her complete understanding of who I was and the influence of my past lives, made it possible for me to reframe my life experiences and fully understood where I was at and where I was going. Her clarity in channelling, her total integrity and her nonjudgmental and compassionate responses made me trust her completely.
She is, no question about it, the best healer I have ever met. I left her that day fully back with myself and completely at peace, physical and mental symptoms all gone. And still gone."
"Love and Light is everything that Ana-La Rai is made of and she radiates this in everything she does. I have worked with her over several years and she always adds something special to my life.
The weekly sessions with the Alchemy are free and give me a great sense of purpose giving something back to Gaia not always looking for something for me.
Personal sessions with her are life changing and I just love the clarity of her channel. If you are lucky enough to get time with her do not hesitate you will not be disappointed."
"I met Ana-La-Rai back in 2014 when the “Tu Conecion Espiritual” group I belonged to, invited her to do her weekly “The Alchemy” meditation in one of our meetings. That night my soul did feel the call to join Ana La Rai’s group.
Since then, I have been in many of her events: Seven gatherings in 3 different countries, the 33 Codes of Origin and Lord Shiva programs, several personal “Love and Light sessions”, group healings, full moon meditations, radio shows and I have as well benefit from the healing power of the customized paintings she creates, and the spiritual teachings she posts in her blog.
I deeply admire her channeling power, the loyalty to her guides, her dedication to serve humanity and mother earth in the great awakening and to make the new earth a reality.
During the Alchemy meditations Ana-La-Rai’s great organizational and technical skills allows her to immerse deeply in the energies she brings from the other side of the veil and at the same time be present to answer questions posted by the audience.
In the “Love and Light” sessions Ana-La-Rai does fully accurate readings and brings powerful beings of light to help her clients.
Thanks to Ana La Rai’s events and sessions the past seven years had been for me, the greatest in my personal development and in my soul journey advancement."
"I have no hesitation in recommending Ana-La-Rai Sagle for any soul/energetic healing work you require.
This Lady is truly unique in her connection to creator/source and once your permission is given, She and her guides will be able to find, re-integrate and heal aspects of your self you didn't even know could be recovered ! I have had healing sessions with Ana-La-Rai on several occasions over the past 4 years and the results have always been profound. From childhood trauma's effects, to past life injuries, to current spiritual wounds, Ana-La-Rai has the ability to find them and help you co-create their healing, as long as all is within Divine order!
In Love and Gratitude,
Andrew Greenly-Jones"
"If you want to see what Ana La Rai does, dip your toe in the water and sign up for one of her full moon adventures, which she offers each full moon at a very reasonable fee. These are so much fun. She channels someone new each full moon! You never know what’s going to happen. The beings that come through are so happy to help all who have signed up! It’s always an adventure. It seems the higher realms just line up to get their turn to go through Ana La Rai!
She also sends you the recording so you have the replay! Absolutely the best full moon meditations I’ve ever been on!"
"An amazing in depth course that will bring you to your core essence. This course will re-introduce you to yourself. It is a journey into your own power source, love. I have utilized what I have learned with these Codes in my everyday life. I have the Codes behind me in many of the decisions I make. The Codes have given me confidence, expanded my horizons and opened up my faith in the unlimited Universe that I live in. I am so happy that I made the decision to go to my beginnings with these Codes! And I now have them with me to move forward into my future!"
"My experience with the 33 Codes of Origin has been deeply moving and profound. Each week we connected with the newest layer of the 33 codes: Love, Unlimited, Sovereignty, Humility,..., Reverence for Life, and so, each week opened a new and fresh adventure as we began the process of activating and one day embodying the original divine intent of the code. I have seen the all-pervading fear in my life slowly dissolve, and a new joy emerge. While I am excited to see the growth that has already occurred, I am even more excited to continue the journey, because the activation of the codes is not the end, but only the beginning of a profound shift that has to be embodied and expressed.
I had a deep respect for life before beginning this program, but I had never played so actively in interacting with the different kingdoms. Today, I feel such a deep connection to all life, in all its myriad forms. My heart has expanded enormously to embrace all, unconditionally, and with deep reverence and awe.
It is my greatest wish that all of humanity will one day have all 33 original Divine codes re-activated. Life would be so profoundly different, so profoundly sacred, for all. I cannot recommend the 33 Codes of Origin program enough.
Ursula R."
"One of the most profound courses I ever did.
Provides me with the energy, the wisdom and the tools to thrive and develop on all levels and for the years to come. Also it rectifies all the misconceptions that I held around so important topics such as love, self love, compassion,
empathy, power, wisdom, humility, peace, free will, sovereignty, manifestation, passion, joy and much more.
I am glad and grateful that I have been a part of this.
All the best,
"I feel so blessed to have found AnaLaRai. From the first time I heard her speak I knew she was the real deal.
I have had so much spiritual growth since starting to work with her and I continue to grow and release with each and every appointment. Recently I had two different spiritual teachers tell me they were seeing so much change in me and how much I was releasing , all thanks to the coaching program and the 33 Codes program through AnaLaRai.
I would recommend any of the programs that AnaLaRai offers as I know first hand how much love and care goes into everything she does. I am so grateful for the work we do together and the pure joy it has brought me.
Thank you
Paula W."
"Part of why it has taken so long to express how the codes are/were for me is my inability to put my experience into words.
Good, excellent ,profound, exceptional, outstanding are all true descriptions of the 33 codes but do not have the depth and breadth to truly to describe how I feel about this program.
In the beginning when I first heard of the 33 codes I was excited and said yes, that’s for me ,but when I heard about working on one code a week for 33 weeks I felt like this was a huge commitment, how could I do so much self-development work for each week for 33 weeks in my already busy life? I had never made a commitment like this.
The money was also an issue, but I just trusted that would work well and it did of course.
Another issue was I am in Australia and classes would be in the middle of the night 200 to 400 am depending on daylight savings.
I went ahead anyway and joined, the pull to do this course was so strong.
So my fears when pondering doing the 33 codes(I love writing that) WERE ALL UNFOUNDED
Right from sign up I felt supported
For each code I did not need to do self-development. I was just infused with that week’s code, it was there for me if I remembered to use it. So much of my work was just remembering to call on the codes. Every time I did call on the one of the 33 codes, I was taken from the mindset I was in and could see from a much higher perspective. I feel the constant daily infusions may have assisted here or maybe just the codes being activated and or the assistance from my code guide.
We all get assigned a code guide and my guide Starlight has been invaluable, the same as above if I remembered to call on Starlight the situation changes to one filled more with love light and potential.
So overall after and during this course It is now up to me how long I will sit in the yucky stuff before I call for assistance. It is up to my free will.
So the classes in the night issue. Well that worked out well ,all I had to do was wake up, which I only missed once( on self-love) .Ha Ha
I did not have to find time to stop and do these classes and after the class we had lay down and let the guides work on us for 30 to 45 minutes. Well I just rolled over , opened myself for this time and after the time went into a delightful sleep.(I could usually feel when this time was up )
The money issue was no issue. The benefit I received was priceless and benefited this and all my lives I believe. So, the best money spent ever.
We are supported throughout by Ana La Rai and the guides teaching us and activating the codes, we are also supported by the group heart, our guides and the codes themselves.
I have done many courses and am a kineseologist and body worker etc. These 33 codes are more than a course ,it gave me the original codes within me and I been changing with ease and grace. It is now up me ,new beginnings ,new year what is possible?
To be part of bringing these codes back humanity and infusing them into the unity grid and collective consciousness is more than an honor and a privilege fully encourage anyone drawn to this to go ahead past your fears. The 33 codes are a big deal for the individual and humanity and Gaia.
With deep thanks from my soul and me
Maureen Collier"
"Participating in the 33 Codes program has been one of, if not, the most precious gift I have given myself.
It has been a truly life enriching experience, as well as, a surprisingly educational awakening. What is written as an explanation in many dictionaries and what the code word really means energetically is astonishing!!!
"Taking the Codes of Origin course has been a huge Gift for me! This gift has been opened and yet there is still so much more to unwrap. I’m using the Codes daily to help me move through aspects of my life with more ease, grace and support. It’s subtle in how some of the Codes have helped me and yet others are a go-to for me. I can’t imagine being without them. It can only get better as I learn and grow within these Codes. This course built on itself, as all the Codes build on each other. It's limitless in possibilities of adventure!
I really believe course is a leap forward in my jouney into my Authentic Self.
I love working with my Code Guide, such support! Ana-La-Rai’s abilities and the daily Code infusions are amazing. Thank-you Ana-La-Rai!
B from Canada"
"I want to start by saying that whenever I count my blessings Ana La Rai is one of them.
This journey started like all the great things in our life: by Divine Synchronicity.
After a long time of searching and asking Father/Mother God to show me the way to my spiritual healing.
Ana La Rai was the speaker for the radio show Your Divine Uniqueness hosted by Moncef Afkir.
The first thing I noticed about her was her humbleness. She was genuine and very accurate in each message delivered to the people who called for a reading with her, and that made me feel safe, to the point that I scheduled an appointment with her.
It went beyond all my expectations, and so did the next one and the many that followed.
Her energy is kind and loving and this helps your heart open for healing knowing that there’s no judgment, just the most pure unconditional love you have ever received from another human being that under the direction of her Guides and your
I AM Presence can know everything about you, not only in this lifetime but past ones.
I loved the change in me and decided to take the next step in my personal growth journey by booking a 3 month Light session of shifting and healing, and I can say without the shadow of a doubt that it has been the best thing I have ever done for myself.
My consciousness has expanded due to all the energy cleaning and shifting. My heart is open to love and thus, receive love like never before. I feel the connection with my Source, my I Am Presence and other Beings of Great Light.
Many changes happened in my inner world that have been reflected in my physical body as a consequence of the new energy in which I vibrate now.
I am still a work in progress, but believe me when I say that I know that all is part of the Divine Plan for me, and have my heart open to receive all the blessings that every day brings.
So, my brother/sister, if you find yourself reading this testimonial is because your I Am Presence is guiding you to take a more direct personal approach into your own journey. I say: GO AHEAD!!!
The only thing you will lose is the stagnant energy that serves no purpose for the fulfillment of the Divine Plan that YOU have in this wonderful planet.
Finally, let me just finish by saying this...w hen I count my blessings, Ana La Rai is one of them.
In Love and gratitude,
Nancy Z. "
"The 33 Codes program was a profound gift to give myself, and equally so to receive. Undeniably the catalyst for a great leap forward.
"I knew from the very first time I heard about the 33 Codes of Origin that I had to participate. I just knew deep inside that I had been waiting for this.
I would love to say that my world has changed and things are completely different but they are not. I am loving every minute of this amazing course. I have never missed a single session. I enjoy getting all my crystals and jewellery assembled before each activation. Each and every code has given me a deep source for contemplation and I know I am charged with a new potential inside. I am simply not able to articulate what these changes are or how they feel or for that matter how I know beyond any shadow of doubt that this is the biggest gift of my life. I guess this is the problem when working with subtle energies you are without words.
I would highly recommend you follow your own guidance to know if this course is right for you. I am sure that it is not if but only when the time feels right. I rest in deep gratitude for what I have already received and we are right now at code #26 so it is not over yet :-)
"I am very grateful I decided to participate in the 33 Codes Program. I certainly do not regret it--it has been so powerful in giving me true understanding about what each code really means and how it is carried out in our lives. I also feel more in charge of my life, more confident, and closer to who I really am--a most wonderful gift. Thank you, to Ana-La-Rai and all the loving Beings that made this happen.
"I am writing this just past half way into the program. We all came into this blind, so to speak. None of us had any idea about any of it except that it all had to do with 33 Codes delivered over 33 weeks. In some respects, this required a huge leap of faith, with no expectations. All the same, the moment I heard Ana La Rai talking about the program, I knew I had to sign up. It was a Divine Appointment calling to me.
In some ways, I see this as the ultimate reset button to prepare me for the great awakening and living in the 5th dimension. I can remember from my very early childhood feeling that everything was wrong. The way humans interacted and what they felt was important has never felt right to me. The Codes are showing me the original intent of how we were to live and where there have been distortions. This is a wonderful confirmation for me. I feel a greater expansiveness thus allowing me to shine my light more. Where before I would try to dim my light (especially with certain family members) now I want to shine as brightly as possible. I am in much greater alignment with my soul or higher self. I feel that I have been catapulted down the path of Becoming the Unlimited Being I had forgotten I am.
"Hi AnaLaRai,
Thank you so very much for all of the wonderful work you do.
I made a personal commitment to take your coaching program. This turned out to be the Best GIFT I have ever given to myself!!!
You AnaLaRai are the "Real Deal" - so Genuine, so Caring, so Committed...to helping others :):):) You helped me connect to my heart, my higher self, and to my guides. I was able to release deeply embedded beliefs and patterns that were keeping me stuck. Today thanks to your help, and my willingness to change, my heart is opening up again. I feel happier, lighter, and peaceful. I have a new sense of direction in life and I look forward to working with you again in the future.
Thank you for all you do!!!
"A mutual friend had told me Ana-La-Rai was a very clear channel of high level information and healing. I now know that for myself.
In the most life-altering, deep, important 15 minutes of my last decade's profound healing journey she zeroed in on an unconscious belief and a "bottomless pit" wound from my time in the womb, birth and babyhood. Using Intuitive Life Coaching methods she brought forward the issue I suffered from greatly, had tried unsuccessfully to heal and was utterly unconscious about: "No gratitude and no gratitude for life." It was a perfect encapsulation of my distressed Mother"s state of mind at the time. Ana-La-Rai then cleared the pattern as much as possible.
My subsequent experience is I now have a floor installed in what had been an endless abyss of horrible feelings. The trauma state that I could easily get triggered into for 24 awful hours had lost its power. In the same astonishing 15 minutes she then channeled my main Guide, preparing me for a message I probably wouldn't like. I had been desperately wanting to leave my husband, but had been unsuccessful at actually doing so. My Guide (as Guides do) said I could make any choice I desired but my husband and I still had several contacts to fulfil, adventures to be had and our continued union would be my best path for happiness. [WOW! POW! SHAZAAM].
My Guide, who I trust deeply, is the ONLY source that I would listen to on this subject. My husband and I are now in the interesting process of reconciliation and new growth. Supposedly, in a year on this path, I will be saying "I am happier than I've ever been!" We shall see.
Ana-La-Rai's source of deep information and the power to heal is not hers. She is the clear channel who can connect to those sources and bring it forward. She generously uses her abilities to help others. Her real secret is she works connected to the high frequencies of Love and Light of the Higher Realms. I am very lucky she chose to help me.
Thank you
Mary W., Victoria, BC Canada
I am a 63 year old Shamanic Practitioner and body work (Bioenergetics) therapist for 18 and 30 years respectively.
My ongoing mission is to heal my PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder) from massive childhood dysfunction starting at 8 months in the womb!"
"These have helped me so much, I am amazed I have created the beauty, love, and success I have with the subconscious patterns that I held. I have had 2 sessions now, and will continue to use them as a powerful tool to clearing my own negative thoughts towards myself, as they ripple out from me and come to me from the people in my life. Once i realized that I can get help to remove the vibrational signals out of my system of lack, anger, jealously, ungratefulness, pain, sorrow, blame, all that stuff... I was doing a happy dance. I expect great things! Thanks Ana La Rai for stepping into your worth and life purpose so we can all have the courage to do so in our own unique ways!"
"Dear AnaLaRai:
I want to share with you that your healing session was very effective. The tooth that was reconstructed from inside out in the healing session, is perfect now. My dentist got a X-ray two weeks ago and there is no problem there. I am very happy for it. During this past two months I have seen the benefits of the wonderful work you did for me; thank you.
Love and Gratitude,
© Sparkles of Love, All Rights Reserved