Free Meditations

Free Guided & Experiential Meditations

Here is a taste of what we offer...

You are welcome to listen, download or share.

These meditations are from 4 different groups or Light Beings.

The meditations are all very strong energetically and are best listened to while in a relaxed state

and NOT when you are  driving.


Sphere of Love

Join me with Lady Venus Lovestar as we journey together beyond our galaxy for a love experience! Meet Eloheim Cassiopia and experience the "Sphere of Love". This sphere is only yours and you get to feel your original energies of the love vibration.

Feel better, soothe the self and absorb the love!

This recording is from the Full Moon August 2017.

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Ignite Your Divine Spark

Join me and Lord Maitreya on a journey beyond to the place where Souls are birthed, the point of Creation. Experience the spark of the divine and have

you own divine spark fully ignited.

This meditation is very deep and should only be

listened to in a relaxed state.

This was channelled on Monday, November 14, 2016 during the "super" moon. It was stated we would not experience another this large for the next 70 years.

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Frequencies of Oneness

On July 4 2020 new Beings of Light came through. They are beyond time constraints and are of the Family of El. They shared their vibrational frequencies to assist us to move to a greater expansiveness. At the end of the meditation they share the frequency of Oneness, beyond time, to assist you in remembering. The energy is VERY strong in this meditation so it is recommended you be sitting down or laying down to experience fully.

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Your Creation Chamber

During the first New Moon session Lady Isis had each

of us create our own "creation chamber" which we use

monthly for her sessions. She has stated these

chambers can be a benefit to all.

If you are joining a New Moon session with us, please ensure you have listened to this meditation

before joining the class.

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The Alchemy Collective Consciousness

Join us with the Alchemy Collective Consciousness, in loving co-creation to raise the vibrations for the planet, her people and all her kingdoms!

Participate on our free global meditations on Tuesdays, listen to the recordings, or join our gatherings and Heart Sanctuary Weekends.

To find out more visit

For more free content (channelled information, energies, short meditations, live streams & more!) check out my youtube channel:



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