Updating What You Know About the Chakra System’s Evolution
By Kay, Sparkles Team • September 13, 2024
If you follow Sparkles of Love, you have likely watched a video or read a newsletter talking about the evolution of the Chakra System. While this upgrade is a significant step for the Awakening, let’s talk about some of the things you might not know about the chakra system that are relevant whether you have an Advanced Chakra System or not. To support this discussion, direct quotes from Lord Shiva are included in italics below.
The chakra system is similar to the other body systems, “much like your skeleton or your nervous system, it is just one that does not have a physical presence. But it is the way in which the love, the source energy, the light, the codes, enter the physical realm and the body. This chakra system can get badly damaged or tightly closed but it never shuts down completely or you would die, for it is the energy of source that moves through you.”
Continuing with the chakra system only partially open, or treating it as individual pieces, “it becomes more and more difficult to bring in the higher frequencies. [At] this time on your planet with the frequencies going so high, it is truly time now to bring forth all of the chakra system and to have a greater understanding of how you affect it.” To fully understand the chakra system’s purpose and role in our well-being, the chakras themselves need to be understood as parts of a complete integrated whole. This new understanding signals how we are truly entering a new age of energetics and beingness.
The rainbow colour sequence of the chakra system was adapted at a time when tuning to these commonly known frequencies and colours would bring the system into a better energetic alignment. These assigned colours are no longer relevant.
“Let go of all of what you've known about the colors of each chakra for that was information that was needed to be given to the humans at a time and place of space to assist them, but that has changed.” Keeping to this well-known construct can limit the vibrational frequencies you are receiving and allowing now.
Lord Shiva shares,
“your chakras change colors as to the energy flow and to where you are, your own vibrational frequency… All the chakras can be the same color depending on the person's vibration, yes and they can all be different as well, so it is not one vibration, one color. [ We] want you to no longer stick to certain colors of certain chakras for that limits yourself. If you are looking at them, simply go in and look or ask what color it is this moment. [You] can change it or ask it to change to something else and see how that feels in your body.”
This is also the case for the sound frequencies commonly associated with each chakra. As we and the energies evolve, it becomes more and more important to “be more tuned in and present” to feel, sense, and experience the energies as they come in because
“it is not about what it used to be…The more you understand energy and your own system it will not really matter what color it is.”
The purpose and function of individual chakras, like the chakra colours, might be different from what you expect as well. Developing our understanding of the chakras’ functions can help broaden our awareness of our own energetic systems and our impact on them. Below highlights some of the unique features of the throat and earth-star chakras to give you a sense of the depth of this new information from Lord Shiva.
A common interpretation for the throat chakra is on the theme of speaking one’s truth. While this isn’t incorrect per se, Lord Shiva clarifies the nuances for the basis of this interpretation by beginning with the understanding that “the throat chakra has been deeply distorted and damaged over many lifetimes.”
“Let me explain why, for in these human lives you have learned to speak untruths to yourself and to others. [Some] are big untruths, and some are small ones that you justify, but each untruth you speak affects the throat chakra for it is an energy of distortion that goes into the chakra system into the throat chakra… I must clarify the throat chakra is not about telling the truth but it, the untruth, does do damage to this energetic system.”
The vibration of Truth also demonstrates how the chakras are interrelated. The distortion of Truth not only impacts the throat chakra,
“but when you hold your truth or withhold your truth, or hold your tongue as they say, then it affects the heart chakra” as well.
The earth-star chakra is unique in it’s structure from the other chakras, and “there was not a forgotten part in this one, you just didn't understand what it was for.” There are multiple purposes for this chakra, all of which are “very specific to your life on earth” as it is “the connector chakra.”
First of all, it
“keeps you connected to the earth plane.” And so, the earth-star chakra is there to
“assist you with grounding, to assist you in bringing the source energies into Gaia.” It is the “anchor to earth or Gaia” and provides an
“anchor point for the physical body onto earth.” As such,
“it is a chakra designed for the physical form for the body.”
Second, it connects you to your past-life experiences on Earth. The earth-star chakra
“holds the memories of your lifetimes on earth… so that the physical form may have access to these experiences.”
However, it does not allow you to travel and fully experience these other times. Instead, this chakra functions like a storage box of reference material that you have access to as
“all memories are held in the earth star chakra, all past earth life experiences.”
It’s important to reiterate that while the chakras “can work individually, [they] work best in conjunction and cooperation with each other as a whole system."
Opening a chakra system that has not yet been upgraded can be accomplished through many different strategies. Meditation and tuning are not the only methods to do this. Some of the simplest ways “to continue opening the chakras and keeping the system as open as possible [include] movement and dance, joy and laughter, and yes, sexual energy and sexual pleasure as well. [These are] all ways to help keep the system functioning optimally.” This important insight demonstrates the true power of joy in our lives. If it has been difficult to accept fun and playfulness as part of your spiritual journey, let this new awareness inspire you to explore joy.
When we talk about being able to receive more energy, it’s not just that more is always better, it’s that the energies are different now and rapidly changing to significantly higher vibrations. Our ability to adapt on the physical, emotional and energetic levels happens more gracefully when our systems receive upgrades that are specifically designed for these higher vibrations.
Spiritual programs that open next level pathways for you and your energy systems, like The Advanced Chakra Program, allow for more, “as though you have water pipes going into your house and [they have] quadrupled in size so that far more can come in.” When we feel energetically overwhelmed, there is undue pressure on the pipes, where the capacity of the pipes and the influx of flow are not harmoniously aligned in that moment.
This restriction of flow no longer needs to be a limitation of your chakra system. “[It] has been a long time on your planet while you open and clear your chakras regularly, that they have not really functioned fully as they should.” That time is ending. Not only has the chakra system evolved, but this specific upgrade is one of the most significant evolutionary changes for humanity.
Some of the key benefits of the evolution of the Chakra system include the following:
As we continue to evolve energetically, the chakra system remains a vital aspect of our spiritual journey, whether we have upgraded to the Advanced Chakra System or not. This new understanding invites us to go beyond outdated concepts and embrace the fluidity of our spiritual paths in response to the ever-changing energies. By cultivating a deeper awareness of how our chakras function and interact, we can align more harmoniously with higher frequencies and experience a greater sense of well-being. Let this knowledge inspire you to explore your own energetic system with curiosity and openness, knowing that your spiritual evolution is beautifully supported by these profound shifts.
For those of you ready for more, we highly recommend upgrading your energy system to the Advanced Chakras. With all the profound, leading-edge programs that come through Sparkles of Love, Ana-La-Rai still states that the Advanced Chakras Program Part 1&2 were the most significant energetic upgrade she received that have resulted in the most direct, visible changes in her life experience. The Advanced Chakra Program is available on its own as a 2-part series, or you can get Part 1 as part of the comprehensive Accelerated Awakening Package. Follow the links below to find out more.
Kay, Sparkles Team
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