Beings of Light I channel

Beings Of Light on my Recordings

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I am what my Guides refer to as a "Universal Channel".  What this means is I am able to bring through many different Beings, collectives, races, energies, vibrations and messages. 

They share I am a desired channel due to my clarity and the levels of love and energy I can bring through into the transmissions for the Guides.

As such, I have been blessed to have many different and new Beings of Light, Collectives, Angelics and Enlightened Ones choose to channel through me.

In up-dating the website I created a list of some of those whose recordings are available here.

I was certainly surprised by the number of different Beings and Energies, over 77 at time of publication and continually growing!

Some come more often than others, some are very new to me, while some were "passing through" and took the opportunity to speak.

If you are looking for the recording of a specific Being, please paste their name in the Shop search bar.


Aktau, Star Whale



Archangel Clarity

Archangel Faith

Archangel Michael

Archangel Raphael

Archangel Sandalphon

Arcturian High Council

Collective of Light Streamers

Collective of the Blue Ray

Collective of the Emerald Ray

Collective of the Ruby Ray

Collective of the White Ray

Collective of the Divine Feminine

Consciousness of Divine Feminine

Council of Light for Humanity's Awakening

Council for Unity Consciousness

Doctor Lorphan

Dragon Koo Tah

Elders of the Sun

Elohim Cassiopeia

El On

El Tara

Family of El

First Light

Great Divine Director of the Karmic Board

Helios and Vesta


Joy, Angel of Joy



Lady Analay

Lady Aurora
Lady Hope
Lady Isis

Lady Isobella of the Fairies

Lady Laticia

Lady Nada
Lady Oceania

Lady Love

Lady Rose

Lady SamaTru

Lady Venus Lovestar

Lenduce, Star Dolphin

Lord & Lady of Sirius

Lord Buddha

Lord Lanto

Lord Maitreya

Lord Melchizedek

Lord Sananda (Christ)

Lord Shiva

Mother Mary

Mary Magdalene

Master Hillarion

Master Kuthumi


Moo Rah

Mother Gaia

Non, Family of El



Quan Yin

Serapis Bey


Sisterhood of the Rays & Roses

St. Germain


The Arathians

The Alchemy Collective Consciousness

The Arcturian High Council

The Ashtar Command

The Atillians

The Baby (The New Consciousness of Planet Earth)

The Blue Ones

The Digital Pulse Beings

The Divine Fathers

The Divine Mothers

The Elohim

The Essene

The Gemini Twins

The Great I AM

The Great Lion, Keeper of Akasha

The Guardians of Humanity

The Keepers of Time

The Lemurian Light Council

The Ogres

The Rahyons

The Rainbow Ray Collective

The Timmers

The Timurthians

    The Venusian Rainbow Sparkles


Tron Collective

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