During a recent channeling with Lady Venus Lovestar she shared much information about the Alchemy of Love. She had me look up a definition of alchemy and she selected one for our understanding today. I was also guided to find out who was the originator of the consciousness scale (I have heard it called the "love or above" scale).
The definition of alchemy that Lady Venus Lovestar selected is "
a seemingly magical process of transformation, creation or combination."
What is the Alchemy of Love? First we begin by understanding the various levels of Consciousness, as described by Dr. David R. Hawkins. Here is the link to an in-depth article about the consciousness scale:
A simplified explanation is that each emotion has a vibration to it. Dr. Hawkins created a scale of 0-1000. Emotions like shame, guilt, fear, envy, grief, apathy and anger all have low scores or low vibrations. Emotions of love, joy and peace are all higher scoring, 500 or more, and all have high vibrations. The Alchemy of Love takes place once you begin to vibrate regularly at 500 or above.
"Beloved Ones, I am Lady Venus Lovestar and it is my pleasure to be connecting with you. I wish to share with you more about the Alchemy of Love and how it can assist you in changing your own lives. One of the challenges of separation and duality that is faced upon your planet is that you often get stuck in a lower density or energy. As old belief systems or wounds come up you are triggered, your vibration drops and some begin to spin out, tumbling further down the vibrational hole, so to speak. Many on your planet are most familiar with the vibrations on the lower end of the consciousness scale. They are familiar with shame, sadness, anger, apathy, guilt, remorse and more. The longer they have experienced these lower emotions in their life, the more familiar these are. They may not like the emotions and wish to shift, but they are familiar.
When you are surviving in these lower densities you often attract more of the same densities and energies. This downward spiral can continue, making life more difficult each day. After a period of time of not shifting out of these energies, feelings of hopelessness, despair, abandonment and more slip in. And the downward spiral continues. In these vibrations it is very difficult to manifest, to create, to get beyond survival mode.
For many on Earth they have forgotten their natural state of being. They have forgotten they are creator beings. They have forgotten the natural states of peace, joy and love. When you are in these states, again, all above the 500 mark on the consciousness scale, manifesting, creating and more are so much easier as you are in the flow of all that is.
Even when individuals experience moments or hours or days of love or joy or peace, they often return to the lower vibrations because to them these higher vibrations are NOT familiar, they feel odd and possibly uncomfortable. They can bring up feelings of unworthiness or of being undeserving.
The Alchemy of Love is about remembering your natural state, about returning to the higher vibrations to change your life and to live from these higher vibrations. Of course, all of you experience drops in vibrations, triggers, tragedies, difficulties and challenges. Mastery comes from being able to raise your vibration again to love or above (500 or more on the consciousness scale).
Beloveds, a good indicator is always your physical body. Imagine for a moment when you felt really happy or peaceful, filled with love. Close your eyes and remember this, experience it again, feel how it was in your body.
Now close your eyes and remember and feel a very difficult situation, loss of someone dear, pain or something else. How did this feel in your body? Can you feel the difference?
Some of you who are very vibrationally attuned know immediately when your vibration drops, but we would say those are primarily the ones who live in the "higher scores" of the consciousness scale, the more awakened ones.
As you begin to spend more time living in love or above, you are more in the flow. You have greater access to information, ideas, creativity and energies. You are less often "stuck". Life takes on a much more positive focus and the spiral goes upward instead of downward. This is the Alchemy of Love.
Now I wish to be very clear here, Beloved Ones, we are NOT saying that you should not experience all of your emotions -- the ones you judge as either good or bad, the low or the high, the dense or the light. What we are saying is that you have forgotten that your normal state is love or above and we want to remind you to return to this state rather than stay stuck longer than you need. We want you to feel uncomfortable in these low vibrations so you know you are out of your natural state. We want you to shift and clear the energies, wounds and beliefs around these lower vibrational states. We want you to remember who you really are . . . a magnificent creator being of love and light and Source energy!"
Lady Venus Lovestar asked that I share below some of her suggestions from the channeling. So how do you begin to experience love or above more often? The first step is to recognize where/when/what situations you are holding the highest energies or feel the most peaceful as well as when you feel the lowest.
*Are there places on Earth for you that you feel more yourself? Is it at a beach or a mountain or somewhere else? Is it simply a patch of grass where you can stand and connect with Mother Earth?
*Where are you when your vibration drops? Is it when you go to work? Is it in a certain part of a city? Is it a specific room in your house?
*What songs or music make you feel better? What songs make you cry?
*What activities do you feel your heart open and your energies shift upwards?
(For our Beloved Ana-La-Rai whale watching will always do this for her!)
*What activities drain you and leave you feeling blue?
*Are there scents or smells that bring a smile to your face, bring you back to a good memory and energy?
*Is there a movie that makes you laugh and lifts your spirits? Does watching the news uplift or take your vibration down?
*Are there people in your life that you feel lighter and happier after you connect together? Are there those who drain you,
leaving you feeling tired?
*Are there colours which assist you in shifting your vibration? Books? Foods? Games?
"Beloved Ones, once you begin to observe and evaluate your own energies and how outside influences affect you, it is easier to make different choices. Bring more situations, people, places and experiences into your daily life which elevate your vibration. Begin to release situations, people, places and experiences which lower your vibration. Begin to honour yourself and choose what helps you to remember and achieve your natural state of being . . . love, peace and joy. Practise every day experiencing these higher states of consciousness so they become more familiar to you. Each time you experience the higher states, the easier it becomes to return to these states. Practise feeling happiness and move it upwards to joy. You can also do this vibrationally by bringing in the love and light from Source energy; but we want you to also have "3D" experiences more often that assist you in the remembering of you.
We are trying to have you and your physical body remember. If it helps, tap or anchor the feelings when you are in a higher state of consciousness. When you are experiencing love or above, stop and hold the memory. Feel it, hear it, smell it, taste it, visualize the situation; experience it on all levels.
As you begin to understand this Alchemy of Love and work with it, your vibration will change more easily and even when a challenge appears you will be able to shift it more easily.
I also share with you, Beloved Ones, that the energies of Source coming onto your planet now are making this process easier for you. Higher and higher frequencies are flooding the planet regularly and the veils between us continue to dissolve. This also means that all you have left unresolved is coming to the surface to be shifted. Use the Alchemy of Love to return to the natural state of you and then share these vibrations, these processes and your energies with others.
It is all changing, Beloved Ones. Soon you will look back and laugh at all that you have forgotten. Soon you will wonder how you struggled. Soon you will remember your own magnificence!
I am Lady Venus Lovestar
Channelled July 30, 2017 through Ana-La-Rai