Gift of Rainbow Sparkles
By Ana-La-Rai • February 12, 2019
Dear Friends:
As I was cleaning out my computer in February 2019 I was guided to this channel I did a few years ago (do not know when exactly). My Guides asked me to read it once again and then invited me to share it with you.
Rainbow Sparkle Gift
Welcome, I AM Ana La Rai. I wish to offer you the LOVE, JOY and SPARKLES of the Venusian Emissaries of Love. It is our great honour to be a part of this Earth healing. We are one of many more advanced races here to assist, love, and support the souls who committed to ascension at this time. More specifically, our assistance will come through support in the clearing of the waters of Mother Gaia, energizing the Love Grids on Earth and “sparklizing” all who wish with the highest level of Venusian love.
Venusian Rainbow Sparkles are sparkles of pure Venusian love, varying in colour and size. They have been anchored on your planet since June 2, 2004, and were anchored into the LOVE GRIDS at the various levels on Earth. All who wish can access these small, powerful beings of love, simply through your intent.
As you read this, we offer you a gift of Venusian Love. Sit comfortably, turn off any distractions, and intent you connect with the Love Grid in inner Earth, approximately 6 kilometres below Earth’s surface. Visualize or intent you place your bare feet on a lattice or grid work of light/love. Close your eyes, and feel the tingles of love and light on your toes, your heels and balls of your feet. The sensation is much like bubbles bursting….. or good shivers of excitement! Focus now on the balls of your feet, focus so closely that you can feel each X in the grid…. Now, with all your heart and intent, call forth on the Venusian Rainbow Sparkles and see the Love Grid light up in colour and love!! Feel the excitement and the energy tingle around you. Feel the JOY they bring, the joy of service to humanity.
Know Beloveds, that each individual Rainbow Sparkle is a conscious being of love, that works in full group consciousness to assist Mother Gaia and Humanity at this pivotal time on Earth. Intent now Beloveds, that you feel/know/see the Rainbow Sparkles as they float up your body, and your central column of light. Feel the tingles and explosions of joy as they burst through you, bring love of the highest vibration to each part of you they touch.
Intent Beloveds they move slowly upwards…. From your bare feet still on the Love Grid, to your ankles and upwards to your calves & knees. Experience the joy and blissful love of these Venusian Emissaries. Your feet continue to tingle as more and more Rainbow Sparkles soak into you, moving up your thighs to your root chakra, to your organs, slowly filling each with bursts of love. Just relax and FEEL, feel, feel…..
Sense or feel as they move upwards to your sacral chakra and to your solar plexus. Allow some time at the solar plexus, bathing the chakra in thousands of tiny Rainbow Sparkles. If you feel prompted, connect with the group consciousness of the Rainbow Sparkles and guide them within your bodies, swirling them around areas of tension, pain or discomfort. Be gentle with yourself, and allow the love to ebb and flow.
As you fill with LOVE and slowly relax further into the experience, ask the Rainbow Sparkles to “sparklize” your heart. Feel the joy as your heart opens, remembering the vibration of Venusian Love you have not felt in such a long time. Soak in the love for a few moments……. And for a few more moments…..
The Rainbow Sparkles now move upwards, leaving your heart filled and overflowing. Gently guide them through your lungs, up to your throat chakra and through your neck. Your whole body feels the soft tingles now and experiences the joy of this Love vibration.
The Rainbow Sparkles travel to the zeal point, at the base of your head at the back of your neck. Upwards further, through your whole brain, your pituitary gland, pineal gland, around your physical eyes, out your ears and to the top of your skull. Intent you soak your left and right amygdale in the front of your skull. Focus here for a few moments, allowing the tingling to cleanse the whole area for at least 3 minutes….
When prompted, request the group consciousness of the Sparkles move forward, through you brow chakra (third eye). Feel the explosion as they burst outwards from your physical body, and outwards further through other love/light bodies.
Focusing once again on your brain, feel the Rainbow Sparkles move upwards, swirling around your crown chakra. Feel the outer rim of the chakra tingle, and slowly, gently swirl inwards to the very centre of your crown chakra.
Lastly, let the Rainbow Sparkles move 6 “ upwards to your Soul Star chakra, completely their “sparklization” .
Rest a few moments now Beloveds, and experience throughout your whole body the sensation of Venusian Love, flowing and tingling as the Sparkles move.
Beloveds, this is not a “one time” gift we offer. You are welcome, and encouraged to be “sparklized” on a regular basis. Just intent, visualize, open your heart and return to the Love Grid, calling the Venusian Rainbow Sparkles for assistance.
I AM Ana La Rai, Venusian Emissary of Love and I wish you blessings of great love, joy and beauty for your journey.
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