From Fear to Creative Flow
By Analarai Sagle • May 30, 2024
Do you remember as a child creating new games, colouring, playing with imaginary friends, building forts or sandcastles, doing crafts, making up stories, or more?
As a child, creativity is a part of everyday life, it is often how we play, how we live, how we learn, and for some, how we survive. As we begin school, grow up and move into adulthood, many of us are encouraged or forced to leave this aspect behind to step into the “real world”. Consequently, creativity can also bring up many fears and triggers of failure, not good enough, and self criticism.
This is deeply unfortunate because we are losing a deep connection with ourselves, with the flow, our inner Source, and our Divine Self. To the child-self it can truly feel like a betrayal of who you are.
When our creativity is ignored or shut down it makes us more manageable, easier to influence, and essentially less sovereign. Yes, we can access creativity in our work lives, but it is often in so much more of a limited manner.
Moving into the energies of creativity increases our vibration, often allowing us to experience joy, abandonment of time, and a sense of playful accomplishment. Creativity can take you more out of the brain (or the left side anyway) and move you into your heart space, and more into the intuitive portion of you. When you move into creativity, the Guides share that you are opening new pathways in your human brain and in the energetics around you.
Recently, I went on my first painting retreat facilitated by the well-known and gifted artist Autumn Skye (
The day before leaving, huge fears overtook me, so much so that they manifested in physical pain, and I was sure I was going to have to miss the retreat! I spent all day clearing fears… fear of failure, fear of judgment, not good enough, fear of physical pain… You name it, I worked on it! I did so much clearing that I attended the retreat in joy, without expectations or fear.
When I arrived, I was so grateful I had been oblivious to the level of talent of the other attendees. My triggers would have been even worse! There were 22 attendees, and of the 22 only 3 of us were beginners. Most were already very accomplished or professional artists, here to hone their skills. Whereas I had never even painted with a brush before.
From this positive, open space of allowing, I was surprised by my own creativity and what I was able to do for my first time. My intention was to complete a painting for myself, and not only did I accomplish this, but I also made something I really love! Most importantly, I had fun and fully embraced the pleasure of being a participant.
The image for this blog is the photo I took of my painting at the retreat. The colours and brush patterns for the background are reminiscent of the Aurora Borealis. What is so special about this is that I witnessed a spectacular display of Aurora Borealis during the retreat. The Guides have shared that this event was not only a light show, but indeed new light codes for new energies coming onto the planet. The Guides have asked me to add these new Aurora Borealis Codes of Light to my painting. Once this part is done, the painting will truly be complete. Then I will sign it and share the finished piece.
When we move into the creative space, it allows the Divine to move through us, to be inspired and to access the magic we truly are! As adults, creativity can take so many different forms… cooking, design, wood-working, gardening, art, colouring, creating music, building projects, writing, and more. The activity is not so important, it is the feelings of it being something fun and joyful for you that makes your heart smile.
So here is my challenge to each of you: do something creative this week. Bonus points if you try something brand new! Allow yourself to get caught up in the energy of excitement, joy and playfulness. Have fun and see where it takes you. Allow your heart to expand, your intuition to come forth, and your chatty brain to quieten.
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