December 2021 Message for the Awakened
By Ana-La-Rai • December 10, 2021
During The Alchemy Collective’s Heart Sanctuary event on December 3-5, 2021, they shared information and suggestions about December 2021. Below is the edited message that I was asked to share. This message is focused towards “Light Workers” and “Awakened Souls”.
“We know we have said very often that you are in critical times of the awakening. We will share this month called December is a critical time!
It is very, very important, especially when you hold higher vibrations and strong abilities to manifest, to be aware of what you are reading on your Facebook and the internet. Please be aware of what your thoughts are as well as your fears you are allowing in. This is very critical in December of 2021.
Let us just say you will continue to see a big push of fear by those who don't want the awakening to happen. They continue to try and keep you and humanity in more fear. There will be things happening within governments and announcements of potentials in the future to keep you instilled in fear. One of those we will share is the announcement that was made in Germany the other day indicating they might be doing forced vaccinations starting in the new year.
Of course, when this announcement goes out not only does it put fear in those unvaccinated within Germany, but also even for those vaccinated. Germany and other governments have said they would never force vaccinations and now they have changed their minds. These kinds of extreme measures and abrupt turn arounds send fear throughout the population and throughout humanity. This is only one example and there are many other things being announced to increase the levels of fear.
We advise you to be very careful what you are looking online, on television and in print. We know that if you're on your Facebook, there are many wonderful things on there and many beautiful messages. If you see things which are fearful, please don't jump in and read it if it will cause you to go down the rabbit hole, especially this month. We are not asking you to avoid anything, we are asking you to be conscious and aware of what you are focusing your attention on.
If you need distractions, we know there are many wonderful holiday movies right now whether or not you like them or you think they're silly, but they are light and light-hearted and they have light endings. There are beautiful animation things now and the beautiful Christmas music and traditions with many of the cultures across your world, with the lighting of candles and the time of peace and family together. These all have different names, but they are all about celebrating the peace, the hope, the joy, and the light. Of course getting out in nature, playing with children and many other things are wonderful distractions too!
So this month, December 2021, because of its critical nature going on, both in front and behind the scenes, because there is this push for more fear, we ask all of you to not go there. We know that's asking a lot of you but this is what you came for, you came to be a pillar and anchor the light. You came to not go into the fear, you came to help and support the awakening. So we are asking you to step up. We are asking you to focus on the joy, to focus on the peace, the hope, and the happiness this month. This doesn't mean that you have to be in silence or stillness all the time or not celebrate with your friends. We want you to enjoy good food, enjoy companionship, get out in nature, enjoy those of you that like to do gift giving enjoy the shopping process, enjoy the wrapping and the giving, enjoy if you are baking or creating family traditional foods. Enjoy this time!
As any fears come up be very aware and stop; then do your best to clear them.
Let us explain a little further. The reason we are asking you to do this is when you hold the amounts of light and manifesting abilities all of you do, you become a powerful tool when your mind goes into the fear. When an unawake person who is vibrating lower goes into fear it may be closer to their more natural state, so it adds to the levels of fear a little… When you go into the fear it is like a beacon of fear goes out. It adds so much more fear to the collective because you magnify it.
Why do you magnify the fear? Because you consciously hold more light. Because you are more accustomed to manifesting. Because you are aware creator beings. Because you are awakened. That’s why the fear magnifies. We would say that you are more powerful because you are more awakened and that's why the fear gets magnified.
So this is why we are telling you… there will be more focus this month on fear, on trying to grow and instil deeper fear in humanity so 2022 begins in deep fear. We and many other groups of Light Beings are trying to counterbalance this with you. That is also why our intentions are so critical, why it is so important you repeat them a minimum of three times a day, that you share them in your social media, that you invite people in groups to use them.
The intentions for 2022 which we have all co-created are as follows:
“Within 2022 all of humanity will have an unlimited, sovereign future, filled with peace, health & freedom.”
Repeat at least 3 times per day.
One participant asks, “I feel I can manage fear around the world happenings, but what about long-term fears I continue to have on healing? Is that okay?”
That's an excellent question! So what we would say is your own normal fears will still come up, and if you can be aware of them and send them love and not focus on them this month as much, then it would be fine. Where the greatest concern is around all the world fears others are trying to instil. And yes, you might still have some worries about your finances, or your health, or your family member, or such. We ask you to keep those to a minimum or that you not pay as much attention to them. It is the big collective fears we are focusing on. Things around losing your freedom, things around restrictions, vaccinations, quarantine camps, not being able to travel, being in lockdown or any other ones out there. So many fears are being broadcast all around the story of covid and the implications with new variants.
One participant says, “It's good to be forewarned and be ready for battle.”
And yes it is good to be forewarned, but we would ask you to just be aware and we would say instead of ready for battle, we would say ready for love. Because again battle energy puts it in that in a lower vibration. So we're ready to just love, to send as much love as we can to stay out of the fear. We thank you for that comment because it is beautiful that we can clarify that for all. So we want you to go into this space of peace, so we're ready for peace, we're ready for love now, we're forewarned.
Another participant says “I’m very aware what I read and watch and keep mostly out of fear. I got a scam call from the bank that really had me believing them as they knew lots about my personal information. This came out of the blue and I found myself in fear and had to push it away. It took me by surprise.”
And we would say it is what's happening, and yes these “calls” are coming in Canada all the time, AnaLaRai gets them every week from Canada customs they're all scams. Now she just laughs, but it puts many people into fear. All of these kinds of things are happening and are accelerating.
Another participant says “I have a look at times at the news with the awareness it is being used as mind control.” Yes, and what we say is you can still be aware, but do not go down the rabbit hole. And so, if you know that you're going to read something, and it's going to trigger you in some way, you're going to feel angry or upset or you're going to go in fear (because the anger is just as strong as the fear), if you are getting angry and frustrated about what is happening, you are holding that vibration as well.
And then one participant says “So we will battle with love and peace.” Ah, so let us just clarify a little bit in your languages, battle is a word that means confrontation. You're battling, so battling with love and peace is a little bit of a contradiction. So we would say, let's say we are responding with love and peace. Again excellent, we thank you for those comments because it allows us to clarify for everyone. And if one person has that thought then it is valid for all of you. So we thank you dear one.
One says, “I use the mantra ‘I am the light, I am the love, I am the truth’ on a regular basis and that helps me so much.”
That is beautiful. We like that. I am the light, I am the love, I am the truth. Those words “I am” are the most powerful that you will ever use.
So if we had to use simple numbers to explain, as an example we would say the average person on the street who is not awake and just living their 3D life in a state of unawareness. If they go into the fear about what is happening, it might be a 10, and the energy of fear at 10 will go will go out into the collective consciousness and into humanity. But if you go into the fear around the same thing, it will go out as more than 100, and this is what we mean. So when you go into the fear as beings of light, you are magnifying it beyond measure. And that's partly why it works so well, because so many of the people that are awakened are so upset by what is happening. This is why the light and the peace are so important.
One participant says, “Higher vibrations mean higher energy. If you switch from light to fear, that's where the higher energy goes.” Absolutely correct, and absolutely beautiful. So the more we can emanate light, love, peace, joy, and happiness the better.
And the final thing we would say on this is, when you are in family gatherings or events this month, if fearful discussions come up, just change the subject as much as you can. Or share the intentions listed above!”
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