Bold Journey Interview
By Bold Journey • March 29, 2024
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We were lucky to catch up with AnaLaRai Sagle recently and have shared our conversation below.
Hi AnaLaRai, really happy you were able to join us today and we’re looking forward to sharing your story and insights with our readers. Let’s start with the heart of it all – purpose. How did you find your purpose?
Discovering my purpose has been a journey of self-discovery. In my early years, I never really considered it. I was content to enjoy life, have a job I liked, avoid heartache, and keep some money in the bank.
It was at the beginning of my spiritual awakening that the concept of “purpose” first entered my life. Looking back, it felt like the Universe was gently nudging me, presenting me with hints and opportunities that felt right. Sometimes, the pull was so strong that I couldn’t ignore it. For example, when friends sent me information about a two-week silent retreat while I was unemployed and nearly broke, I tried to ignore it. But the next day, when I saw the information again, my whole body tingled with electricity, and I knew I had no choice but to attend.
As I progressed, more messages and coincidences appeared, especially when I was resistant. These signs took various forms, such as others sharing about a place I was meant to visit, a book falling off the shelf in front of me, or a timely email after asking the Universe for a sign.
As my ability to hear my Guides and Highest Self grew stronger, the gentle nudges turned into undeniable messages. The moment I asked about my purpose, the channeled messages came through clearly: “Open the next layer of energetic pathways for humanity and planet Earth” and “Regularly share the energy, knowledge, and wisdom through Sparkles of Love”.
Appreciate the insights and wisdom. Before we dig deeper and ask you about the skills that matter and more, maybe you can tell our readers about yourself?
I am Ana-La-Rai, a Pure Source Channel dedicated to guiding and uplifting others on their spiritual journeys. Through Sparkles of Love, my work serves as a catalyst for profound change and a conduit for the purest frequencies of Love and Light, elevating the collective consciousness and guiding individuals to align with their true soul essence.
Specializing in working with clients who feel a strong inner longing for their next level of Self, I help them navigate profound change and explore new possibilities. My approach involves nurturing clients through advanced programs and private coaching, empowering them to identify and overcome the densities or blocks that hold them back, allowing them to step into their full potential. I witness profound changes in my clients as they evolve on the leading edge of awakening that defines Sparkles of Love.
Aligning with greater possibilities unlocks unlimited solutions, empowering individuals to transcend limitations and create the life they desire. It is my deep honor to support others on their spiritual journey, allowing abundance into their lives and illuminating their magnificent soul within.
I also get to support clients through my artwork. When I paint I call forth various energies such as creativity, love, manifestation, etc and download these into the paintings. For commissioned pieces, 3 specific energies are downloaded and written on the canvas, and after completed, I channel a message for the purchaser to assist them in their journey with the artwork.
In addition, I channel The Alchemy Collective Consciousness, a group of Light Beings who come at the time of transition for a planet and her people. I have offered free weekly global meditations for the past 11 years. We co-create together to raise the vibration on planet Earth and support “the great awakening”.
If you had to pick three qualities that are most important to develop, which three would you say matter most?
Three qualities have been pivotal in my journey: Trust, Clear Channeling, and Discernment.
Building trust and honing discernment were especially crucial, particularly in the early stages. As a Channel for 70+ Enlightened Beings, Collectives, Angelics, and Ascended Masters, I had to attune to their energies and frequencies to ensure I was connecting with Pure Source Beings of higher dimensions. I became adept at discerning different frequencies and recognizing when truth came through, rather than distortions. With trust, I embraced their teachings, even when they challenged my existing beliefs. For example, the chakra system as we have always known it is incomplete, and Earth’s vibrational frequency had to increase before the system could be complete. The complete chakra system is available to us now.
My unique ability to channel vibrations as well as words became evident over time. As I deepened my trust, many new Beings of Light were able to come forth with their messages and processes, enriching my practice.
For those embarking on similar paths in energy work, readings, or healings, I offer this advice: say “yes” to your Guides! Embrace the opportunities they present, as this fosters trust in the relationship with your Guides and Higher Self. Additionally, I recommend reviewing and clearing your own energetic blockages to ensure you can be the clearest conduit possible, free from personal perceptions that may hinder your work.
Awesome, really appreciate you opening up with us today and before we close maybe you can share a book recommendation with us. Has there been a book that’s been impactful in your growth and development?
“The Celestine Prophecy” by James Redfield sparked my spiritual curiosity and eventual awakening. What impacted me most was its focus on coincidences and how, when you begin to watch for them, more appear. I started to see the Universe at play, connecting with me. This newfound awareness allowed me to create my life in a new way, guided by Source, God, or a higher power. Reading this book and following the coincidences in my own life led me to the two-week silent spiritual retreat I mentioned earlier. These synchronicities have guided me to new jobs, meeting my husband, buying our first house, and so much more.
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