Excerpts from The Alchemy global meditation on September 1, 2020 (edited for ease of reading)
“We are The Alchemy. We are a group of Light Beings, Ascended Masters, Angelics and other Races who come at the time of transition for a planet and a people.”
We remind you of the importance of daily connecting to Source Energy. To doing something each day that is peaceful or joyful for you. To standing on the earth and connecting with Gaia. To maybe hold a crystal, or sing a song… Anything that brings you into your state of Presence. Align and allow Source Energy to flow through you. Remember, all your Guides, the Alchemy, many Beings of Light and Ascended Masters are here at this time to support you in many ways.
We are here to support but it can not all be done for you. You must make conscious choices.
To bring in the Light. To choose positivity. To see the Joy and Good in things. To share Kindness. You must consciously choose your words and your actions, and align them with your Heart. For the more that you can stay out of judgment the more you can stay in the Love Vibration. The Joy, the Peace, the Hope, the Peacefulness. The Stillness within, no matter what is happening around you. The better it will be for You, for Mother Gaia, for the Collective, for All-That-Is.
This is the time you contracted to be here for. You are in the midst of the Awakening. Some of you call it the Shift, some of you call it the Ascension. There are many labels. But you are in the midst of it. And yes, it is not as you anticipated it would be. And we would say: “Get over it”! For much has to release for the change to happen. And the change is happening. It’s just not all the sunny roses you might have thought it would be. Each of You is an important pillar, an anchor of Light, and Love, and Peace, and Joy.
Each Human on Planet Earth has the ability to change the energy around them and within the Collective Consciousness. Yes, You are that powerful!
But when you come together as a group with us or other groups of Light and Love, there is even more strength and power that can be accessed… Resulting in raising the vibrations, in soothing the energies, and allowing more Peace and Light to come through. This is why we meet and co-create every week.
And this is why the Gatherings are so vital and important.
For when you can come together consciously for days in a row, whether it would be in the physical ideally, and in this instance also online, we can do more together, if you are willing to hold the frequency and give that time… The time while you are in human form to co-create and assist the Divine Plan… And this is what we do weekly. Whether you are listening to the recording or are with us live. This is part of the Shift. And it benefits You as individuals and of course as the Collective.
Know that when you join our Global Meditations or listen to the recordings, you are adding to the frequencies, to the Love and the Light. And all of you contribute. It is not that one contributes more than the others. You are all equally important. You each make a difference with Your Light, Your Intention, Your Frequency. It matters not whether you are just brand new to this or have been working with us or others for a long time. It is all about the present moment. And it doesn’t matter what you did before. It matters in this perfect moment, as you bring in this energy of Love and as it flows through you…
The White Diamond Light is the base energy, it is the next Wave of the Ascension, it carries the Codes of Remembrance. But it is far more powerful when it comes through You in Human form because it means you are agreeing to this. And yes there are many places now on the Earth where it is just coming through on a regular basis, portals and energy spots. But when it comes through You in Human form with your conscious consent it is so much more powerful.
When you bring in the Diamond Light it benefits you on the human level every time you do this. For the benefit is always for the individual Soul as well as the Collective and Mother Gaia. And feel as this White Diamond Light enters your crown chakra.
We will say out of all the Gatherings we have conducted this one is the most critical,
and that is due to the time on your Planet and what is happening.
And so we ask You to look inside your Hearts, to sit in meditation, and we call you forth if you are able to join us. For the more of you that come forth online or even in the physical, the more that we will be able to positively influence the Potentials for your Planet. And we will not share what we hope to accomplish, that is not how we do this. But you must be able to adhere to our requirements of setting aside the time of not being disturbed, of not working. And you can find all of these on our website. www.thealchemycollective.org But if you can, we invite you to be part of this, for this is the time that you have come for. This is the time of the Planetary Awakening and Shift. But it does not happen without the Human participation! It does not just magically occur as much as you might like it to. You are part of it and that is why it has always been unknown as to when and what the Shift will be.
There are many potentials, many timelines. So we ask you… we ask you if you know others that should be a part of this, our Tuesday Global Meditations and this Divine Service? If you are unable to be there but you are able to help sponsor someone else then please let us know, let Ana-La-Rai and the Ground Crew know, so that we can have others be present if you can not but you have the financial means to support others.
Unfortunately we would say, the level of work that needs to be done requires the time frame we have put aside… it needs the five to six days to reach the frequencies to do the work.
We honour you more than you can imagine.
We know many of you see us or the Guides or the Angels or the Ascended Masters as ones you perceive as so much further advanced in higher frequencies. But this is incorrect. Each one of you is one of those. You have simply forgotten. And we would say You are the heroes. You are the ones that have chosen to incarnate on Planet Earth at this time. We are holding and assisting on the other side, but You, You are the ones who have chosen to be here, and You being here at this time makes far more difference then us on the other side.
For You chose to be here, You can anchor and bring through more because You are in physical form, you are consciously choosing. Does this make sense to you beloveds?
This is why we always say we can not save you, that is not our job. You are the ones who have come forth to make the shift. We are the ones supporting. And you have always thought it has been You supporting us, but it is the opposite… It is we supporting You. For You chose to be here. To be on the ground when the energies were needed, when it was the time of the Great Awakening, the Shift. You chose to be in Human form, to be an anchor, to be someone that said yes! And so ALL of us deeply, deeply honour You.
And we remind You in the most loving way at this critical time on your Planet, to not get lost in the 3D drama. To not get lost in the 3D stories and the illusions. All of the attention you give to who is right or wrong, to all the things happening right now, this takes away from your ability and your focus on Peace and Love and Hope and Joy. And nothing is more powerful right now. Do You feel our vibration, do You feel what we mean?
And as strange as this will sound, and we know this is a cliche and there are many songs about it. This is what the Awakening is about beloved ones. But we will say to You that Love is always the answer. We do not mean romantic love. We mean the Vibrations of Love. Love is always the answer. And it is so easy in your world now to be filled with hatred. It is so easy to judge and be filled with disgust of what has happened and how you have been manipulated and fooled. Let it go. You came here, You came at this time to be an anchor of Light and Love. To be a beacon of hope. To be an anchor for Peace.
And so once again we say: Please, please do not get lost in your 3D life. Do not get lost in the drama and the news. And know that much of what is being put out in your news media we will go so far as saying much of it is false. There are truths starting to come, but those are pretty unbearable. And so we ask to simply go in and feel what resonates in Your Heart.
For Truth is a vibration You will always experience.
There is so much noise, and all of this drama is the noise to keep You distracted. It is the noise to keep You distracted by those beings who do not want the Great Awakening and Shift to occur.
So know that we love You beyond measure. That we honour You. You come forward You brave beautiful Beings of Light, You courageous Beings to come forth and forget who You are. To go through the struggles of Humanity. To see the sorrow and experience the pain and the judgment and the wounds that you have not yet healed. And to still agree to anchor the Light. To still agree to find the Peace and Stillness within when You don’t remember Your own Magnificence. What powerful amazing Beings of Light You are! Every single one of You listening to this. Every single one of You! And we would tell You it is the same for everyone You meet on your Planet. Some are just more lost than others. But they all came for the same reason. To be here now, to be a part of it. And you perceive that some of them are interfering, and they are simply lost. They are simply lost.
But, we need You.
The World and Gaia and the Collective needs You. Your conscious choice to be an anchor. Your conscious choice to come and join our co-creations on Tuesdays, Your conscious choice to add Your Love to other groups. To raise your children and grandchildren with Love. To support each other in kindness. We need You to not buy into the drama. And we invite You if You can to join our October Gathering for it is a critical time on Your Planet. And we need all the Light Bearers and the Light Lovers that we can find.
We Are The Alchemy.
Channelled by Ana-La-Rai September 1, 2020 during Global Meditation