11 Year Alchemy Anniversary!
By Ana-La-Rai • January 27, 2024
11 years ago today on January 27, 2013, my life changed forever.
On this date a group of Light Beings, who I would later know and love as The Alchemy Collective Consciousness, first came through for me to channel.
Today I feel so much gratitude, and frankly awe, for The Alchemy. Their primary purpose is to prepare planet Earth & Mother Gaia for the "great awakening" (vibrational shift). "This purpose is only accomplished through the vibrations of Love in co-creation with humans who are willing to come together in group consciousness with us." All of the work is done in accordance with the Divine Plan.
Their secondary purpose "is to support those who participate in our co-creations with high vibrational infusions of love and light, energetic gifts, information and personal Alchemy Guides."
Over the years of weekly free global meditations, at least 500 sessions, they have stayed true to their purposes. They have only worked in love, never in fear. They have guided us, supported us and loved us beyond measure. They accept we are magnificent beings of light having a human experience and show their patience and tolerance with our many repeated questions, our confused communications and our forgetfulness of tasks (like anchoring love in specific areas of the planet for a specific number of days, etc).
Personally, they have assisted me in transforming my life! Because of The Alchemy I have travelled to Mexico, Italy, Nova Scotia, Banff, Florida, Costa Rica, and the Dominican Republic. Because of The Alchemy I met my husband, Christian (at the Banff Alchemy Gathering). Because of The Alchemy I left the corporate world and opened my own business, Sparkles of Love. Because of the Alchemy I began to make inspirational social media posts to support the energetics in Facebook. Because of the Alchemy I have been able to clear old beliefs, blockages, wounds with more grace and ease, and raise my vibration. Because of The Alchemy my body and cells have changed to support advanced levels of energetic technology (which is all gone now). Because of The Alchemy I see and feel the world differently, from a much higher perspective of transformation. Because of The Alchemy I have met wonderful people from around the world, far too many to name! Because of The Alchemy I have been invited to speak on podcasts and spiritual shows to share our message. I could go on... The Alchemy has changed and upgraded my life to beyond my expectations and limitations.
Some of what I love about The Alchemy is they never make specific predictions about the future. Everything they have ever shared with me has been true, even the personal stuff I asked. They love everyone and have way more patience than I do! LOL They continue to support us and the awakening while guiding us on how to live our best human lives, and how to be best prepared for what is coming. They are playful and joyful. They are reliable and always present.
Some of you have asked how did I get to this point with The Alchemy and my other Guides... The answer is simple. I said YES. When asked if they could speak with me every 2 weeks for a year I said YES. When asked if I would post socially their messages I said YES. When they asked me to create Gatherings for people to attend and do the deeper co-creaton and work I said YES. When they asked for a website, to move to weekly meditations, to different times of day, to online Gatherings, to create a Heart Collective... I said YES.
I listen to and trust The Alchemy and my Guides with my life. I am "all in". I do 99.9% of what they ask me to. (Once when Seth asked to open an Egyptian Mystery School I had ran in other times and spaces I said no because The Alchemy was my priority).
I was not even supposed to be The Alchemy channel this lifetime. Originally, there were several people around the world who would share the work, the messages and the channelling. But none of them stepped forth. In fact, I was in the 5th row back from those Souls who lined up to be with The Alchemy this very important lifetime. None came forward, so I once again raised my hand and said YES. This particular yes was done by my Soul on a higher level while my human Self was in my 20s, long before The Alchemy came forth to the human me in 2013. I was to lead a different life this experience. Originally I was to marry young, have children and do different work. But as my Soul said yes, my life took on a new direction, unknown to the human me, one of a spiritual awakening and teaching, preparing me for The Alchemy. Once we began and still no other channels came forth, the timelines shifted and I became the only channel for The Alchemy. They up-graded my body and energetics and did so much with me. They guided my 3D life, even to the point of picking each item for my emergency preparedness kit! (I live on an island). Interesting tidbit... After my kit was complete, I got a booklet from work on emergency preparedness and compared to mine. I had everything listed by the local officials to have and more!
Over these last 2 years I have seen even more significant changes come through for the planet... the birth of the new consciousness who will hold Earth with a Council of 12 when Mother Gaia ascends (her name is KariLa). The release of anchors blocking human sovereignty, the new frequencies of Diamond Light pouring forth to help us remember who we are, the vibrations of discernment now flowing and so much more.
I am so grateful to The Alchemy for their support, their love, their patience, their wisdom and their guidance. I am so blessed to be part of this magnificent
co-creation for humanity and Earth.
So my suggestions to you:
1. Say "yes" when high vibrational Guides come forth and ask you to do things which are in alignment with your heart.
2. Join us on Tuesdays for The Alchemy's free global meditation and assist us with the Great Awakening!
Click here to register for The Alchemy!
So today I celebrate the 11 year anniversary with The Alchemy Collective Consciousness!
January 27, 2024
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