I love when I get to "play" in my Heart Studio! During the creation process I move into the flow... filled with joy. All of my pieces are energetic tools as well as art.
Here are a few professional photos taken from a recent photo shoot!
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For those of you who have never painted here is what I usually do...
6. Open all pre-prepared paints, check consistency and re-stir or adjust
7. Decide on technique and colours to use
8. Set up spinner, ensuring it is level
9. Pour the first layer of paint onto the canvas
10. Layer the coloured paints and pigments prepared
11. Add the cell activator
12. Complete the chosen technique by blowing to activate the cells, swiping or such
13. Spin
14. Adjust as needed
15. Take a photo of the piece
16. Move to level shelf on risers for drying
17. After 48 hours, varnish
18. Sign the back, date and stamp
19. Download the energies one more time into the piece
20. Photograph in Lightbox and measure
21. Decide if this is available as digital download or only original art piece
22. Upload to my website and Shop with price
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