"It is deeply true that the fastest way for you to transform is by working both sides of the coin so to speak.
And so, you have been receiving on one side of the coin many new processes, many gifts, many tools, to assist you in raising your vibration.
But I also wish to offer you something to support you on the other side of the coin. And that is the clearing away of the old, the releasing of the unwanted, the dissolving of the densities.
For rebirth to truly happen, to remember who you truly are you must also let go of who you thought you were, the limitations you have come to believe in, the wounds that dictate your life, the fears that keep you small. [...]
I wish to assist you in creating a chamber that will accelerate the release of your wounds and densities.
And you must hear the word accelerate, for what I mean is those of you that are doing your work on yourself, this chamber will assist you by accelerating the release in a gentle, graceful way.
But if you are not doing your own work, you cannot come into this chamber and it will do it for you, for that would be too hard on the emotional, physical, mental and spiritual light bodies.
But those of you that are doing your work, that are looking at your triggers, and your old family patterns, and your lineage, and your belief systems, and are working to release them to understand, to move into higher vibrations, this chamber will accelerate the release."
- Kali
Format: audio recording (mp3)
Duration: 64 min.
Preparation: Please have water with you. The energies during the session are very strong. Don't listen while driving!
From: Advanced Opportunities November 2022
Special Note: This session is part of a series of Advanced Opportunities recordings (previously called Full Moon Meditations). Each session offers unique and cutting edge insights and energetics (i.e. tools, activations or experiences). To fully benefit, consider exploring other sessions in the series.
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