Join me with Lady Isis for the August New Moon Creations session.
This month we focus on vibrancy!
"For us, vibrancy means life force. And it is not too different a definition. And this life force is twofold. It is divine life force and what we shall simply call human life force. And while in essence they are the same, they are also different...
As you observe others and experience the self, it is probably easy to see when vibrancy is high in one, and when it is especially low in another. And you've probably experienced this human vibrancy differently depending on how your physical body felt. At times, when the physical body is processing or what you call has an illness, your vibrancy or your life force feels much lower. And there are times in your life when you are aligned and challenged and excited, and it feels like there is great amounts of vibrancy running through you in the human form, that you can create and manage anything. Have you had these experiences?...
And then there is the next vibrancy, the divine vibrancy. It is the access and flow of your highest self, your original blueprint, your essence, your purest source essence. For those of you that are on your spiritual journey, you already have more flow and access to divine vibrancy because you are already bringing that through. Everyone has access to it, but many do not open to it. It is a doorway that the human you and your highest self open together at the time that you are ready, at the time that you have started to awaken. And you might say, it is a little bit of the chicken and the egg, while how can you open to your journey if the door is not opened, or how can you open the door if your journey hasn't begun? But It is always open, so there is always some of the flow, it is always open for everyone. But as you tune into this, whatever causes you to tune into this, a health crisis, a book you read, a speaker you've heard, a healing you've had, it doesn't matter what the catalyst is. But whatever that catalyst is, it means that the flow begins to increase and your highest self and the human self are now agreeing to allow this flow to expand, to receive more of the divine vibrancy.
And those that are, let us say fully embracing and living their - for lack of a better word - mission, and your mission could just be to teach children, your mission could be to discover a new drug, your mission could be to garden, to infuse love into the earth in gardens, there is no better mission than others. So for those of you that, as you move and begin to embody your mission, your spiritual mission, greater and greater access is flowing.
And, again, it affects the physical vibrancy as well, but you can have physical vibrancy without great access to your divine vibrancy...
The divine vibrancy pod is a blue diamond light pod for those of you that work with the Alchemy Collective and know what the blue diamond light is. And with the Alchemy generally, if you receive any, it is a thread, and this will be a whole pod of it. This will be complete access to the blue diamond light."
- Lady Isis
Learn more about true vibrancy and how it relates to your physical and spiritual well being.
Receive a powerful download and learn the process of how to use your vibrancy creation chamber.
And much more!
The session runs 85 min.
If this is your first New Moon Creations session, please listen to the free "Your Creation Chamber" recording first. You find it here
Have water, a crystal and a journal with you!
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