Join us on this wonderful journey with the amazing Star Sphere Beings!
Allow them to merge with you, experience their energies and learn about their perspective.They also offer you to choose between two gifts, each one will assist and support you greatly on your personal journey. This gift will be available for you for the next seven months, after which you can choose again and keep the same or switch to the other one.
Option 1:
Is to merge with one of them daily from one to three hours so that you may move into an expanded state.
Option 2 (if you don't have the advanced chakras):
The opportunity to have one chakra (of your choice) held open and expanded, so that you can receive more energy, more source light through that chakra.
Option 2 (if you already have the advanced chakras):
The Star Sphere Beings assist you in expanding the amount of energy that comes into your auric field.
"No matter which choice you make, the merging, the chakra or the auric field, you will be receiving more of the new vibrations coming in, more of source energy, more of what Kari-La calls Newvenation energy. All of these new frequencies you will be receiving in more abundance.And yes, as you know some of that bringing in more and more light of higher vibration allows or brings up some of your stuff, your density that needs to be released. So this will support you in your healing and clearing journeys because there will be more light accessible to you.But it also supports you in holding your vibration higher because you were literally receiving more each and every day, so it will support you in the remembrance, it will support you in the stability of your vibrational frequency." - The Star Sphere Beings
"The more you expand your consciousness, the more you raise your vibration, the easier and easier it becomes to remember your true divine nature, to remember who you truly are on all levels.And as you begin to remember more of Who You Are life changes for the better, for you remember that you are divine, you remember your gifts and abilities, you remember how easy it can be to manifest, how easy it can be to be in the flow, how there are multiple solutions for every challenge, and you remember that you are unlimited beings of light." - The Star Sphere Beings
Format: audio recording (mp3)
Duration: 54 min.
Preparation: Please have water with you. The energies during the session are very strong. Don't listen while driving!
From: Advanced Opportunities May 2023
Special Note: This session is part of a series of Advanced Opportunities recordings (previously called Full Moon Meditations). Each session offers unique and cutting edge insights and energetics (i.e. tools, activations or experiences). To fully benefit, consider exploring other sessions in the series.
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