"As we observe from the other side of the veil what is happening on your planet right now, both within the collective and within individuals of all various vibrations, we would say that many are experiencing what you might call a lack of clarity:You don't know. It is hard for you to tell what is true and what is not true, or what has an agenda and what is pure of heart.And as you navigate the day-to-day on your planet Earth with so much chaos energy flowing, it becomes quite a challenge to try and navigate when you can't get clarity, when you can't understand what is happening, or what is the meaning behind things. [...]
And so today we are going to create a filter for you that you can access, that will support you with Clarity, so you will know if you are receiving the clearest of the information, that it is not being distorted, or your own filters are not in the way, or that there is a genuine intent that matches the words that are put out.This will support you in your interactions with others, in your assessment or experience with the world around you, but also with interacting with your guides and yourself.
In simple terms this Clarity Filter helps you becoming more clear easier and sooner. You could almost say it is like a more direct access to the higher levels of self, because the higher self and the higher levels of self know the truth, they have the clarity.It is truly far more of a challenge here in this planet of density and duality where it is easy to be fooled or manipulated or tricked, or you have come to not trust in your own inner knowing or trust in the messages you receive. [...]
Having clarity is truly a gift, for when you have clarity it is easier to stand in your sovereignty, it is easier to be the love that you are, you are less likely to be manipulated or deceived of course, so you come more into your own power."
- Archangel Clarity
Format: audio recording (mp3)
Duration: 60 min.
Preparation: Please have water with you. The energies during the session are very strong. Don't listen while driving!
From: Advanced Opportunities June 2023
Special Note: This session is part of a series of Advanced Opportunities recordings (previously called Full Moon Meditations). Each session offers unique and cutting edge insights and energetics (i.e. tools, activations or experiences). To fully benefit, consider exploring other sessions in the series.
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