"It is such an exciting time on your planet. It is the time of change and shift. It is the time of Awakening and I am honored to be a part of that with you.I come forth this day to support you, to assist all of you in moving forward in a new way.2023 holds so many possibilities. It is unlike any year on your planet before, energetically. [...]
It is time now to focus on your day-to-day present life. On your own mastery. On raising your vibration and remembering your own Divinity, your own magnificence, or as your friends the Alchemy say, Your Own True Divine Nature.If I were living in human form on your planet right now, and I am not, this would be my top priority. [...]
It is important to focus on your expansion on a regular basis for your field to grow, for your human body and energetics to get accustomed to a far vaster, higher frequency.You might say you are exercising your auric field or your consciousness so that it easily does this.
The longer you can hold this expansion and the more you can expand, the better it is for you, the easier it will become.
Your human bodies and yourselves, your Divine selves, have spent many lifetimes on this Earth getting accustomed to the low vibrations, to the densities, to the polarity. And now I am helping you to switch it, to have these same human bodies get used to the higher vibrations, the expansion, the unlimited.
And part of my gift to you is these first few months you may call me and I will help with my energy to increase your expansion like we are doing in this moment."
- Lord Shiva
Format: audio recording (mp3)
Duration: 54 min.
Preparation: Please have water with you. The energies during the session are very strong. Don't listen while driving!
From: Advanced Opportunities January 2023
Special Note: This session is part of a series of Advanced Opportunities recordings (previously called Full Moon Meditations). Each session offers unique and cutting edge insights and energetics (i.e. tools, activations or experiences). To fully benefit, consider exploring other sessions in the series.
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