This Self Love package is 7 recordings with various Ascended Masters & Light Beings who assist us with Self Love. Each session builds upon the energies and learnings of the previous.
It is important to listen in order the first time.
Session 1
Part A: Your Highest Self brings forth the energy of your own Self Love.
Part B: Sharing and discussion on Self Love.
Session 2
Part A: Lord Melchizedek comes in with instructions for next session.
Part B: Lord Melchizedek takes you to a future time line where you hold full Self Love.
Session 3
Part A: Elohim Cassiopeia gives instruction on how to manifest from the vibration of Self Love.
Part B: The practice of manifesting.
Session 4
Archangel Raphael & Dr. Lorphan share how to utilize Self Love in your own body healing.
Format: audio recordings (mp3)
Total Duration (excluding breaks): approx. 3 1/2 hours
Preparation: The energies during the session are very strong. Please have water with you to drink during sessions. As well it is helpful to have a journal and pen handy. Don't listen while driving!
Origin: These recordings came through during a 1 Day Workshop in May 2020.
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