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Moving into Your Ascension, November 2021
Moving into Your Ascension, November 2021

Get the full experience of the entire November 2021 Moving into Your Ascension Workshop, including a powerful combination of activations, downloads, energetics and the newest information.

"As you expand your consciousness you become aware of more than the self. You become aware of other beings around you, plants, animals, trees. You become aware of the elements. You become aware of the collective of humanity in a way, and as you continue to expand your own awareness, as individuals and as a collective, you realize that you are not just this human body, that it is only a small piece of your consciousness within this human body.
You are so much more. You are an expression of the divine. You are pure source. You are pure love. And as you begin to expand your consciousness, you can begin to tap into the unified field on your planet, and as you move even further past this, you get to once again remember and connect with consciousness of all that is. And you realize, or become aware, that you are all and nothing at the same time, within all of the universe, the galaxies, the cosmos, and beyond.
And in this human experience, we understand that that is very difficult to wrap the brain around."
-The Council for Unity Consciousness

1: Creation of the Energetics, with First Light & Lord Melchizedek
2: Infusion of the Essence of Purity, with El Non
3: Vibration & Consciousness, with the Council for Unity Consciousness
4: Expanded Perspectives, with the Council for Unity Consciousness
5: Sharing
6: An Experience of Beyond Time & Space, with First Light
7: Sharing
8: More Sharing
9: A New Way of Merging with Your Highest Self, with First Light
10: Sharing
11: Soothing Experience, with the Divine Mothers
12: Conclusion, with the Council for Unity Consciousness

Total time for all sessions (not including the breaks) is 4 hours 55 min


Please have water with you to drink during the sessions and be prepared to lay down.
As well it is helpful to have a journal and pen handy.

These are very powerful advanced vibrations and energies!

Therefore please drink plenty of water and abstain from alcohol and recreational drugs for at least 7 days after listening.

From: Moving into Your Ascension Workshop November 2021



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