Moving into Your Ascension, March 2022
During this workshop we are given the opportunity to hold love and a group heart for the planet, as we are in the midst of crucial planetary changes.
- Receive two infusions of your own Essence of Purity, your original blueprint.
- Allow the star sphere beings to help you expand your consciousness.
"Each time you expand your consciousness, each time you allow yourself to go beyond, it is as though you have left a footprint that is easier to find. And each time that you expand you have a little more access. The more you are going beyond simply that human perspective, that human limitation, your energy expands. It means that you can bring forth and hold more light, more love. It allows you to dream bigger. It simply allows more." -Trina, Star Sphere Being
- Go on a little journey to meet your new personal guide, who will assist you in accelerating your own awakening.
"All of these things that come forth like this opportunity today only happen at vibrational shifts." - Lady Isobella
- Another journey will guide you deep into yourself to discover something that is still most important in your life but that is yet undone.
"Whether you call that purpose, whether you call it awakening, whether you call it achievements, whether you call it learning. What on your soul level is something that is still unfinished? And we are not talking about traumas per se we are talking about other more positive things." - First Light
- Allow Lord Shiva to energize, harmonize and align your chakras.
- Meet the Blue Ones, a collective "from beyond" that lives in a constant state of harmony and co-creation. Experience and receive their energies and blessings.
"The love and peace you are holding this day, these ripples, the love you have for your planet and the awakening, move across time and space. So what you do is not only done here in this workshop, in this home, on this planet...
We add these energies... They hold higher perspectives of co-creation and harmony. We would also add a layer of energetics of what you refer to as manifestation. It is our thank you for all that you are co-creating." - The Blue Ones
- And much more!
Total time for all sessions (not including the breaks) is 4 hours 35 min
These are very powerful advanced vibrations and energies!
Please have water with you to drink during the sessions and be prepared to lay down.
As well it is helpful to have a journal and pen handy.
Moving into Your Ascension Workshop March 2022