Get the full experience of the entire August 2021 Moving into Your Ascension Workshop, including a powerful combination of activations, downloads, energetics and the newest information.
"We want to give you as much of a boost and opportunity as we can. In these critical times, the more you can remember who you are and come into your own essence more and more each day, the better it is for you, for the awakening of the planet, and for all that is." - El Non
"As you expand your consciousness you have a greater perspective of yourself, of your life, of Earth, of others. You move into other fields of consciousness, where you don't have this limited perception." - Tron
Content:1: Infusion of the Essence of Purity2: Infusion of Diamond Light3: Expand Your Consciousness part 1: Tron4: The Mother's Love5: Your Own Color Ray6: Expand Your Consciousness part 2: The Unified Field7: Expand Your Consciousness part 3: The Higher Dimensions8: Sharing9: Questions, Comments & Announcements10: Conclusion & Gift
“We know that for you it was and continues to be a great challenge to live on planet Earth, because you forget who you are. If you remembered who you were, this would be a picnic." - Tron
Total time for all sessions (not including the breaks) is 4 hours 37 min
Please have water with you to drink during the sessions and be prepared to lay down.As well it is helpful to have a journal and pen handy.
These are very powerful advanced vibrations and energies!
Therefore please drink plenty of water and abstain from alcohol and recreational drugs for at least 7 days after listening.
From: Moving into Your Ascension Workshop August 2021
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