I am very excited to welcome the Council for Unity Consciousness in this session!
"We come from outside what you call time and space reality. And we come, for we have felt the shift on your planet. And what we mean by this is that when specific planetary vibrational thresholds are reached, it is like a siren that goes off within the universe and beyond. It is like you pop up on our radar. All of a sudden we can see you.
But for us to be present it is not only a vibration that is expressed, but a level of awareness, or consciousness.
And for both of these things to happen we become aware that the veils between the realities, the illusions, what you refer to as dimensions and beyond, are beginning to thin or dissolve. To us, this means that this planet and her inhabitants are undergoing a tremendous shift. And they are about to take the beginning steps towards once again being on a universal stage. And so, we and other beings of light, other beings of consciousness, start to step forward to assist in the preparations, to assist in what we realize you call the awakening."
-The Council for Unity Consciousness
They share about the unified field which connects all living things on the planet.
"Each time that you connect with the unified field, it allows you and assists you in expanding your own consciousness, because you cannot stay in the limited human perspective or awareness when you connect to everything and feel the vibration and energies of unity.
And the importance of the expanded consciousness is that you eventually realize that it is all unity consciousness."
-The Council for Unity Consciousness
They create a special energetic container for you, which allows you to go deeper into the experience of expanded awareness, unity consciousness (or oneness) and more!
The session runs 54 minutes. Please have water with you.
From: Guided Full Moon Meditations November 2021
Special Note: This session is part of a series of Advanced Opportunities recordings (previously called Full Moon Meditations). Each session offers unique and cutting edge insights and energetics (i.e. tools, activations or experiences). To fully benefit, consider exploring other sessions in the series.
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