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Lord Shiva Advanced Chakra Activations Series
Lord Shiva Advanced Chakra Activations Series

Click here to learn more about this amazing program.

Receive 12 one hour sessions with Lord Shiva and follow the order to activate the long forgotten part of your chakra system.


You are invited to listen to 2 recording per week for 6 weeks, beginning with the preparation session. You can also leave more space (but not less than that!) between each session and go at your own pace.

You are guided to lay down for 30-45 minutes after listening to each chakra activation session, so please plan your times accordingly.

NOTE: The Advanced Chakra Activations with Lord Shiva have come in during different workshops at different times since Spring 2019 and are all included.

It is very important that you listen to the activation sessions in the following order:

1. Preparation session (Full Moon October 2019)

2. Heart Chakra

3. Third Eye Chakra

4. Sacral Chakra (from Full Moon March 2019)

5. Throat Chakra

6. Crown Chakra

7. Root Chakra

8. Solar Plexus Chakra

9. Earth Star Chakra

10. Soul Star Chakra

11. Higher Heart Chakra (from Munich Workshop March 2020)

12. Hand Chakras (from Munich Workshop March 2020)

Please note: All of this and more is in included in the Advanced Chakras with Lord Shiva program!



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