Join Lord Maitreya as he discusses and shares the energetics of Kindness!
Currently, the energetics of Kindness is discussed as a way of being or behaving, it is not viewed as a form of energy. There is so much more to it!
When we do selfless acts of Kindness, from the heart with no expectations, a deep energetic happens. This benefits the recipient on many levels; it also benefits the giver and the planet in several different and amazing ways.
As we are in a period of transition, it becomes more and more vital to continue to assist the planet and people and all beings in raising vibrations. The simplest way is acts of Kindness. The more you bring about regular, daily acts of Kindness on the physical plane with actual actions, the more you are assisting others, yourself and the planet -> more than you can possibly imagine!
Along with this wonderful talk and the shared energies, there are two processes given by Lord Maitreya; one that exemplifies the Kindness energetics and one that helps with protecting people in regard to their electronics. There is also a wonderful gift and several interesting questions discussed.
It is truly mind-blowing to learn about the importance of Kindness and the associated energetics.
The session runs about 1 hour.
From: Messages from the Enlightened Ones Series 1, Session 1
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