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Journeys to Yourself
Journeys to Yourself

This package contains very powerful processes and meditations to help you remember more of who you are on all levels!

They are specifically selected from the January 2020 One-Day Workshop, the March 2020 Weekend Workshop and the Fullmoon Adventure September 2020. Some of the guides that came through were First Light, Lord Shiva, Thoth and The Council of Light for Humanity's Awakening.


1: Energetic Attunement
2: Expansion
3: Remembering Your Magnificence & Gifts pt 1
4: Remembering Your Magnificence & Gifts pt 2
5: Remembering Your Mission & Purpose pt 1
6: Remembering Your Mission & Purpose pt 2
7: Highest Self

Total time for all sessions is approximately 3 hours and 20 minutes.

NOTE: It is very important that you don’t have any alcohol or recreational drugs in the 72 hours after listening to the last session! Ideally you have a few quieter or less busy days.
Please have water with you to drink during sessions. As well it is helpful to have a journal and pen handy.

“This is meant as a way to assist you in the remembering of your own divinity, of your own true self.
For you are nothing and everything and all that is at the same time.” -Lord Shiva



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