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Gemini Twins, Separation and Duality
Gemini Twins, Separation and Duality

Join visitors, The Gemini Twins, as they share about separation, duality and how to begin to return to Oneness!

"We have never incarnated on the planet of Terra Gaia. So we understand about it but have not experienced it. So this separation and duality is quite foreign to us and simply because of our makeup, the way of our we shall call it genetics or structure, we are never separate, we are never in duality, for we are one. So it makes it perfect for us to speak to you about this." -Gemini Twins

They help you gain clarity about :

  • Who the souls are that incarnate on this planet of duality
  • Why you chose to come here and why not everybody can
  • Why you continue to come back
  • Why you forget who you are when you incarnate
  • How separation and duality happens
  • If an individual can really make a difference globally
  • What the divine spark has to do with your first step back towards oneness
  • What the next steps are
  • How you can accelerate this process
  • Soul fragments
  • And much more!

Be prepared for a powerful exercize, too!

The session runs about 1 hour.

From: Messages from the Enlightened Ones Series 1, Session 10



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