Join us with KariLa and receive the New Light Codes for Health, Vitality, Happiness, Hope and Abundance.
"By Health I mean that the body systems and the body overall are functioning in an optimum state. [...]
Health and Vitality are often connected but to me vitality refers to the life force and the energy that you have, the life force and the energy to live your life to the fullest, and that is easier to do when your health is much improved. [...]
I invite you to allow Happiness, for many of you resist it or see it as unnecessary, and yet it is so very important! [...]
While some of you think Hope does not serve a purpose, we know that in the emotional states that happen on your planet, what you call discouragement or disappointment become quite strong. And so the light code of hope is there to light your way to potentials and possibilities, like the flashlight you are using as you walk along a dark hallway or space. [...]
When you think of Abundance it is not always about money. We know that in human terms you very often do, but it is in terms of having more than you need, whether that be in friends, or groceries, or books, or opportunities, or finances, or so many things! [...]
In 2024 these Light Codes will begin to override your fear beliefs.
Now, that does not not mean it will happen overnight, it might take months or years. We cannot anticipate because all of this is also connected to the collective consciousness of humanity. But we have the energetic go-ahead to begin this process.
Those of you at that time who have physical issues or physical diseases once these things have hit the physical then they need to be addressed in the physical manner, so if you have let us say diabetes the codes of health will not cure that. You need to deal with it on the physical level, but the codes of health and vitality will support the healing process of it all.
And we must share with you that anything that you agreed as a life lesson will not be overwritten, so if you chose this life to experience poverty and to be in lack all the time, if that was a deep life lesson that you signed up for, the codes will not override this life lesson. But what will happen is once you identify the life lesson and do your own clearing around it, your acknowledgement and resolution of the life lesson, then the new code will support your healing and change.
And it will be supported by the energetics that will begin to be moving into the planet in December of this year and January 2024 and forward."
- Kari La
Format: audio recording (mp3)
Duration: 1 hour
Preparation: Please have water with you. The energies during the session are very strong. Don't listen while driving!
From: Advanced Opportunities September 2023
Special Note: This session is part of a series of Advanced Opportunities recordings (previously called Full Moon Meditations). Each session offers unique and cutting edge insights and energetics (i.e. tools, activations or experiences). To fully benefit, consider exploring other sessions in the series.
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