Join me with Lady Isis for the March New Moon Creations session.
This month we focus on balance!
"It is really time now for balance to start to flow more energetically within you. And what I want to refer to today is what I shall call energetic balance.
How many of you would say that 90% of the time you feel like you are in balance within your life?
What I wish to do today with you is to assist you - with the process of using your creation space - to create more energetic balance within your life. And what will happen is that then it becomes your responsibility to look at how long you can hold this balance. That's where some of the mastery comes in. And so the chamber will always help you go back into this state of energetic balance, and then some of you might be able to hold it for days or weeks, and for others it might only be an hour or two before you wish to recreate the energetic of balance.
There will be various stages of this:
Stage one will be a balance between the 3D energetics or the 3D life, between all the parts. So, we're not even getting into the other pieces first, because many of you are out of balance simply even in your 3D life. Does this make sense to you? What I mean is some of you work too much, as some of you don't play enough, some of you are too mental, some of you stay in the low vibrations too much, some of you get stuck in all the mental or emotional here in the 3D...
In the second stage we'll be balancing what I would call the 3D and the higher self energies.
And then we will go from there..." -Lady Isis
The session runs 1 h 45 min
If this is your first New Moon Creations session, please listen to the free "Your Creation Chamber" recording first. You find it here
Have a crystal and a journal with you!
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