This is a significant upgrade for receiving your Essence of Purity (and the Blue Diamond Light)!
"This day what we would like to do is gift you something that will support your journey greatly.
So what we have observed, whether you have received the Essence of Purity during a One-Day Workshop or during the Program or even on another Full Moon from Ana-La-Rai and I, and even every time that the Blue Diamond Light comes forth which is a very similar form...
What we have observed is, it is not accumulating in the body and in the energetic structure very well for the majority of you. And this is because there is still so much density held, so much energy blockages held within the body and the energy field, that it is much like water flowing in a clogged drain pipe. A little bit goes this way and a little bit goes that way and it flows into different places like a river flows over stones or through rocks. And so, even though it flows in directly and purely as it moves into the body, it is not being stored together. It is finding the empty spaces.
What we are going to do is we are going to create an energetic container for your heart space, you might even call it like a beautiful glass or a vase or a jug. And in all future times what will happen is it will begin to flow into the Container within your heart space. And so, what this means is this Container of your own Essence will build more quickly, so you will begin to feel and see and remember who you are a little faster, maybe even more than a little faster.
So it is as though you had a thimble out in the rain and were wanting to fill it. But instead, what we are doing now is we are giving you a huge bowl to collect more and then fill your thimble. And so, this beautiful Container will continue to collect, as you receive more of your Essence of Purity until it is overflowing. But by that stage it can overflow and go wherever it wishes, but there will be such a build up already that it will continue to support...
And we want to say to those of you that have been receiving the Essence of Purity so far: It has still benefited you! So do not worry about that but it is our observations that this will allow it to benefit you more, to assist you in remembering who you are, to being your Original Self sooner."
- Non, of the Family of El
Question: If you are not doing the Essence of Purity programs will this be of any help to you?
"Yes beloveds, yes. We would not do this otherwise, for any time the Blue Diamond Light is coming in, it will go into this container to support you. And in the coming years, not this year but possibly in your next of your calendar years, you will have greater and easier access to your Essence."
- Non, of the Family of El
Format: Audio Recording (mp3)
Duration: 60 min.
Preparation: The energies during the session are very strong. Please have water with you. Don't listen while driving!
From: Guided Full Moon Meditations June 2022
Special Note: This session is part of a series of Advanced Opportunities recordings (previously called Full Moon Meditations). Each session offers unique and cutting edge insights and energetics (i.e. tools, activations or experiences). To fully benefit, consider exploring other sessions in the series.
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