Serapis Bey is a Twin Flame with Isis in Egyptian folklore; actually, they are two sides of the same coin.
The importance of understanding Twin Flames/Soul Mates is so everyone can move forward and work with these energies in a more positive manner; the distortions and incorrect information will be explained. The distortion for many is that Twin Flames have a deeply romantic connection.
In the human sense, what you currently call Twin Flames/Soul Mates, are other individuals with whom you resonate with their vibratory frequency, which is harmonic. It is like when voices come together and sing, when a resonance is hit, you get a beautiful sound – everything is harmonizing.
You have contracted with other souls when you came to this planet, they agreed to assist you; they will teach you a lesson. It is the agreements you made, what you consider to be Twin Flames/Soul Mates; are contracts you made for a deep partnership.
We explore this misconception of Twin Flames and shed light on what this actually is; Serapis Bey takes us to experience two processes that allow you to see/feel for yourself the true meaning of Twin Flames/Soul Mates.
The session runs about 70 minutes.
From: Messages from the Enlightened Ones Series 1, Session 4
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