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Opening the Arcturian Healing Chambers on Vancouver Island
Opening the Arcturian Healing Chambers on Vancouver Island

During the 2018 Vancouver Island Gathering Lady Arcturius came through and the third of the Arcturian Healing Chambers was opened: the Vancouver Island Healing Chamber.

Find out more here!

Please note, this first time you are allowed to stay the longer time in the healing chamber. EVERY time after is a maximum of 3 minutes.

There are now 3 of 12 healing chambers open and each you can only go in once per month for 3 minutes. So now, you can do Italy for 3 minutes one week, Mexico for 3 minutes one week and Vancouver Island for 3 minutes one week with one week off.

Please note: There is about 30 minutes of silence in the middle of this recording as they allow you a longer time in this chamber the first time you listen, ONLY.

Update March 2020: Now the fourth of the Arcturian Healing Chambers has been opened in the Arctic.



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